Church Services - Join us for our in-person church services or sit back in your vehicle in the church parking lot during our 10AM services. Be sure to tune into 92.3 FM! Communion is also available in the church parking lot.



Our Mission


The Pastor and People of St. Peter Lutheran Church  believe that the Bible is the inspired and inerrant Word of God.  We believe that The Book of Concord, the historic confessions of the Lutheran Church, published in 1580, is an accurate summary of core Bible truth.  The Scriptures' message of Law and Gospel is the core of our ministry and the foundation for our life together.  God comes to us in the Means of Grace, the Gospel in Word and Sacrament, and bids us to live as His people to the glory of God and the salvation of man.


Rev. Jacob A. Stuenkel, Pastor

Sunday Worship 10:00 AM   -    Sunday School 9:00 AM