From Pastor's Desk
I’m always surprised when I meet Baby Boomers who tell me on Saturdays or summer days they would leave their homes and literally play with friends all day long. And then only come home for dinner time. My parents let me and my friends go out riding far from home, but rarely was I gone for the whole day. I’ve heard parents today are even more protective and children rarely leave their parents’ or other adults’ eyesight. Children are often told, “Don’t go alone!” It usually is for the child’s own good. Parents tell a little child not to go alone across the street. Older children may be advised not to go alone to the park or the mall. Even adults are warned that there are places where it is unsafe to go alone.
As we enter the new year of 2025, we might want to put up a sign that says, “Don’t go alone.” There may be changes and challenges that we don’t want to face alone. As God’s people, Israel, faced temptations and challenges. God reminded them through the prophet Isaiah that they did not have to go alone. In Isaiah 7:14 Isaiah Promised: “Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign. Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel.” God through Isaiah was promising to send their Savior, and His name would be Immanuel, which means “God with us.”
Seven hundred years after Isaiah’s promise, an angel came to Joseph and told him that Mary, the woman to whom he was engaged, was expecting a baby, who was the Son of God. It had to be a very confusing message to Joseph. The angel told Joseph that Mary and he would not be alone because the Baby would be “Immanuel,” which again means “God with us.”
The Baby Jesus came and He was with Mary and Joseph as their son. More importantly, He was with all sinners as He came to be the Savior of the world. God was with mankind in His Son Jesus. Immanuel was not only with His people; He came to die for His people! As the risen Lord He would be with us forever. Immanuel is with us in the waters of our Baptism. Immanuel is with us as His Word is taught in our school and church. Immanuel is with us in worship. Immanuel is with everyone who believes in Him. We don’t know what will happen in 2018. We do know that whatever happens, we have a God who is named Immanuel.
Dear Christ our Savior, sometimes we feel alone. It’s Good News that You came to be with Your people at Your birth in Bethlehem. It’s Good News that You are with us today. Bless us as we begin a new year, in Jesus’ name.
Red Cross Blood Drive
Thank you to the community and all who donated blood on December 4. We collected 8 Units. These units will help to save a lot of lives. Thanks again. The American Red Cross
In January we will be collecting items to fill (7) "We Care" packages for our 6 college students and our adopted seminarian, Seth Horn. This is an annual project for our congregation and all members are asked to help. Items for this service project can include nail files, toothbrushes with tooth covers, toothpaste, deodorant, band aids, personal packages of facial tissue, gum, candy, note pads, pencils, pens, stamps, quarters for laundry or vending machines, dry erasers for white boards, or inexpensive earbuds - nothing fancy, etc. There is a collection box in the narthex for your contributions of the above items. We will be collecting until February 9th.
Adopted Seminarian
In a recent letter Seminarian Seth Horn shares a few things. He says that "by God's Grace and some hard work" he passed his Hebrew courses. His father, Edgar Horn, is having many health issues and needs our prayers. Seth thanks everyone for your continued prayers and financial support, both of which are a great help. His letter is on the narthex bulletin board for you to read in its entirety.
St. Peter Officers and Appointed Positions - 2025
Church Council
President: Tim Buchhop
Vice President: Roger Jones
Recording Secretary: Nancy Conrad
Board of Trustees: Steve Franz
Jim Meyer & Andy Helmke
Board of Elders: Dave Conrad & Chad Clark
Treasurer: Jon Block
Financial Secretary: Judith Meyer
Board of Witness, Outreach and Stewardship:
Bridgett Volkert & Vicki Helmke
Other Elected Officers
Building Improvement Fund Treasurer: Judith Meyer
Sunday School Superintendent: Bridgett Volkert
Financial Review Committee: Sandy Dickman,
Sharlene Bunke, Bette Weddelman
Endowment Fund Committee: Jim Dickman,
Tim Buchhop, Nancy Helmke, Mary Ann
Ramey, Alice Knepley and Ruth Block
Appointed Positions
Ushers: Steve Franz and Mike Volkert, Tony
Mullett and Bethany Mathers
Christmas Committee: Chad and Melissa Clark,
Andy and Robin Helmke, Tony & Erin Vance
LLL Representative: Steven Franz & James Meyer
Circuit Forum Representative: Thomas Meyer
Filling Memorial Home of Mercy Delegate & Resource Person: Thomas Meyer
St. Peter Evangelical Lutheran Church 150th Anniversary Committee
Picture of Ground-Breaking The Challenge of the Space Age - J.W. Klotz Christmas Seals The Defiance Crescent News Nov. 17, 1965 Holgate “Henry County Review” Nov. 18 Thursday Napoleon Northwest Signal Nov. 19, 1965 These papers have report of Cornerstone Laying Filmstrip of Synodical Convention, Detroit, ‘65 Portals of Prayer devotion booklet November 21, 1965 Lyndon B. Johnson, Pres. James A. Rhodes, Governor of Ohio 1966-1969
As we continue our look at our church history, we ask this question: Do you know what our church cornerstone contains? Contents of St. Peter Lutheran Church Cornerstone, laid November 21, 1965: Cornerstone by National Memorial Stone Company, Defiance, OH Contents of Box Laid in Cornerstone Scripture Portions - American Bible Society St. Peter’s Epistles; St Luke’s Christmas Synodical Catechism Augsburg Confession The Christ of the Gospels - Dr. Wm. Beck Scripture Text Calendar 1965 The Lutheran Annual Church Bulletins: Sept. 19, Oct. 10, 24, Nov. 14 Concordia Tract Lutheran Laymen’s League Leaders Guide Lutheran Women’s Missionary League Quarterly Invitation to Cornerstone Laying Service The Synodical Handbook 1960 Bible Society Record Nov. 1965 Vol. 110 #9 List of Communicant Members List of Men’s Club Members List of Ladies Aid Members List of Walther Leaguers Constitution and By-Laws of congregation Proceedings of the First Ohio District Convention 1964 (Missouri Synod) Lutheran Witness Reporter Nov. 14, 1965 Ohio District L. Witness Supplement, Oct. 1965 Several coins incl. 1965 Quarter (no silver).
A Peek at Preschool
Dear Christian Friends,
We would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to everyone who donated and purchased cookies during our recent fundraiser. Your generosity has made a significant impact, with all proceeds supporting St. Peter Lutheran Preschool. Our little ones have been busy this season, learning about the miraculous birth of baby Jesus, creating thoughtful cards for our shut-in church members, and crafting special ornaments for their parents. To cap off our festive activities, Santa paid us a visit on our last day of school, and we celebrated with a delightful Christmas party filled with milk, cookies, and fun games. Thank you for your continued support and for helping us create joyful experiences for our children! We want to wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Love, Ms. Stephanie & Ms. Emilie