From Pastor's Desk
This month I want to discuss the visit of the Magi which we celebrate as Epiphany. Last month we discussed Jesus’ birth though an historical lens and this time I want to do the same with the Visit of the magi. Matthew describes them as men from “the East”, but he doesn’t say where in the East. Any Christian living in Rome in the first century would have seen “the East” as Persia. But for the People living in Jerusalem and Judea, the East would just simply mean “east of the Jordan River.” What we would see today as the West Bank/Palestine. According to Matthew 2, the Wise Men arrived with gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. There may have been more than 3 people from the West, tradition had that there were three because there were three gifts. The gifts are actually clues about where they were from. First, Gold was mined in Arabia. Frankincense and Myrrh are harvested from trees that only grow in southern Arabia. Wealthy dwellers of those desert regions would naturally have those three gifts. The interesting thing about Jesus’ birth is that it is celebrated by both Jews and Gentiles. The shepherds out of the fields at night were most likely Jewish and the men who traveled from the east would have been seen as outsiders [gentiles]. In the same way, today the whole world can celebrate Jesus’ birth and celebrate what he has done for the world in his birth, death, and resurrection. I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
[Most of the notes were taken from Kenneth E. Bailey’s Book: Jesus through Middle Eastern Eyes. IVP Academic. 2007; Pages 51-53.]
“We Care” Packages
For the month of January we will be collecting items for our college students which will be packed at our February 7th meeting. Items for this mission project can include snacks, treats, personal items, pens, pencils, packages of facial tissue, gum, candy, quarters for laundry or vending machines, etc. This year we are collecting for 4 girls and our adopted seminarian, James Haugen and his wife and their 18 month daughter. If you care to assist with this project, please place your gifts in the box on the table in the narthex. Thank you very much for considering how you can help.
New Flower Charts
The 2023 Flower Charts have been posted in the narthex of each church.
St. Peter Council
President: Tim Buchhop Vice President: Russ Krueger Recording Secretary: Trisha Ross Board of Trustees: Jerry Lindhorst, Roger Jones, Steve Franz, Board of Elders: Mike Volkert, Chad Clark, Treasurer: Jon Block, Financial Secretary Judith Meyer Board of Witness, Outreach and Stewardship: Bridgett Volkert
Other Elected Officers
Building Improvement Fund Treasurer: Judith Meyer Sunday School Superintendent: Bridgett Volkert Financial Review Committee: Nancy Michaelis, Betty Hoy, and Sandy Dickman Endowment Fund Committee: Bette Weddelman, Dave and Nancy Conrad, Jim Dickman and Tim Buchhop
Appointed Positions
Ushers: Tony Mullett and Dave Conrad Bethany Mathers and Pam Jones
Christmas Committee: Bill and Alicia Richardson, Mark and Deb Oberhaus, Chad and Melissa Clark Morning Meditations Representative: Ruth Block LLL Representative: Steven Franz and James Meyer Circuit Forum Representative: Thomas Meyer Filling Memorial Home of Mercy Delegate and Resources Person: Nancy Conrad
Greetings from Preschool
Thank you to everyone who helped support our Preschool Cookie Walk Drive-thru as well as our Adopt-a Family program for Christmas. We were able to provide over $500 in gifts and gift cards for the family with your generous support. Our Preschool Christmas program was also a great success and we appreciate everyone who attended on that Sunday as well. Our Preschool kids also enjoyed Christmas festivities, Caroling and a visit from Santa to wrap up our school year. We look forward to another great year of Preschool when we return on January 4, 2023!
The Preschool is also excited to announce that we have been approved for a 2022-23 Stabilization Grant through the State of Ohio. A lot of time, work and consideration was put into the application process with the hopes of raising money for a new playground and to reimburse the costs put into repairs last summer as well. We appreciate all the support we have had from the church and plan to also give back to the church as well to help with operating costs. Any questions or further inquiries regarding this Grant can be brought to any Preschool Committee Member and we are excited for some great things to come in 2023!