From Pastor’s Desk December 2022
December is the Month of Christmas. Last year, I went through customs around the world describing how they celebrated the seasons and festivals of the Church year. This year I want to do something different. I want to look at the life of Jesus through the customs of his own time period. Today I want to clarify an aspect of Jesus’ birth that we usually misunderstand. We usually imagine Mary and Joseph coming into Bethlehem and being unable to find room in an Inn so they are forced to go sleep in a Barn. Kenneth Bailey in his Book “Jesus through Middle Eastern Eyes” sees it differently. He points out that the word that gets translated for INN is not “pandocheion” which usually means commercial Inn. Instead, Luke uses, “Katalyma” which can just be a Place to stay. He also points out that most simple ancient world houses had two rooms. The first was the Family room, and the other was stable, this is where the animals would sleep at night. Some homes had a third room which was the GUEST ROOM. This third guest room is the kind of room Jesus eat with his disciples on the night on which he was betrayed. So Joseph and Mary came to an ordinary Home, found the house full, and even the guest room was full, so they had to sleep in the third room which was the Stable room. This is the “Manager”. This gets reinforced in Luke 2:8-14. This is where the Shepherds are told to find Jesus, lying in Manager. That is they would find the Christ Child in an ordinary Peasant home such as theirs. He was not a rich person’s house, but in an ordinary two room home like theirs. I bring this up because the image we sometimes have of Bethlehem is where the people push them away and can’t seem to find shelter for a poor woman who is pregnant! But understanding how an ordinary Jewish home in the first century looked can help us understand that it is not what happened. I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
[Most of the notes were taken from Kenneth E. Bailey’s Book: Jesus through Middle Eastern Eyes. IVP Academic. 2007; Pages 26-37.]
Christmas Services
December 24th – Christmas Eve
8:00 pm St. Peter Children’s Christmas Program Service
December 25th - Christmas Day
10:00 am St. Peter Christmas Day Service
Sunday School News
We will be doing a Christmas Eve Children's Program called "Catching the Christmas Spirit" this year. I have contacted parents, so I know who is participating to assign parts. If I missed anyone, please contact me at 419-487-2744 ASAP. Parts and practice information will be coming soon. The more the merrier! Any child is welcome to join. We look forward to seeing everyone at the service.
Board of Witness
We are adopting a family again for Christmas. The Board of Witness is joining with the Preschool in collecting for a family with 3 children (a senior in high school, a preschooler, and a baby). The baby has medical issues. There is a collection basket in the narthex. Please consider donating. Thank You!
A very interesting letter and picture has been received from our adopted seminarian, James Haugen. He thanks us for the blessings he and his family has received during their time at the seminary. He served as vicar at St. Paul Lutheran, Napoleon this past year as well as serving the vacant congregation at St. John Lutheran, Holgate of which he is still serving during this fourth year at the seminary. He tells of all the knowledge and experience he has gained through his vicarage. He states it was great being close to home. His wife, Michaela felt comfortable in the new congregation and was able to make great relationships that will last forever. Their daughter, Ella was cared for and was a part of these great families during his vicarage. His continued prayer is that we all share the Gospel with others and that we will continue to bless future pastors in the ministry set before them. He hopes to see us soon.
Members place poinsettias in memory of their loved ones who have passed away this year and years before. Poinsettias symbolize Good Will & Community Spirit. The shape is the Star of Bethlehem and the red leaves the blood of Christ.
Poinsettias - This year the Altar Guild has decided to let members purchase their own poinsettia/poinsettias and bring them to the church on December 17th by 12:00 noon with your name and in Memory of_____________.
I have called Ivy League, Napoleon and she has a limited supply, so orders need to be called in soon. They are $15 for a 6" plant, with a selection of colors. Questions call: 419-762-5397. Thanks!
Greetings from Preschool!
Our Preschoolers enjoyed learning about turkeys, Pilgrims and Indians for Thanksgiving along with a Family Feast to wrap up the month of November. The children are already eager for Christmas and will begin counting down the days along with our class elf who should be making an appearance soon! Thanks to everyone who helped support our Thanksgiving Food Drive for a Preschool family in need and we were also able to contribute items to the Grain Train as well! We will continue to support this family for Christmas and will be collecting gift cards and items including: gas cards, food cards/family experiences, size 12-18 month girls’ clothing, 3T-4T girls’ clothing and size 4 diapers and wipes. Please save the date for our annual Cookie Walk/Drive-thru fundraiser on Saturday, December 10th from 8:30-10:00 am. Anyone interested in donating cookies for this event may inquire with Emilie Parsons or any Committee member. Our children are also looking forward to singing during the church service on Sunday December 11!
Mrs. Arce