Newsletter - May

From Pastor’s Desk


Over my last few newsletter articles I have been encouraging everyone to pray more this year. I believe one of the reasons we don’t pray a lot, is we don’t know how to.

I have been suggesting an outline to use for Prayers. I have already suggested you begin with an ADDRESS. In the Lord’s Prayer, Our Father is an address to Our Father in Heaven. You follow an address with a Rational. In the Lord’s Prayer our Father who art in Heaven is the Rational. He is in Heaven so He can see everything and knows everything. You can then add what we call a Petition. These are the Things you actually pray for, so it’s sometimes called the requests. Then came The Benefit; this is what we hope is accomplished by our prayer.

The next part of a prayer is the Termination or sometimes called the conclusion. The termination is what you end the prayer with. It can be very simple, “in Your name we pray, Amen.” This might seem simple enough, but it sometimes is very beautiful way to end a prayer. The Termination often times takes on a very Trinitarian character. For example some prayers end like this: Glory be to the Father, and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit as it was in the beginning; is now, and will be forever. Amen.

We usually just end our prayers with AMEN. I do believe ending a prayer by readdressing God can help us remember who we direct our prayers towards. Do we just pray to any God, or do we direct our prayers towards the Triune God which is revealed to us in Scripture. I hope for all of us it’s the God we learn about in Scripture.

Thank you to the following who donated Easter flowers that decorated the Sanctuary!


Bette Weddelman – In memory of Bert Weddelman

Their Family – In memory of Paul & Lillian Franz

Her Family – in memory of Carol Franz

Karen Leaders – In memory of John Leaders

Frieda & Lavina Boesling – In Memory of Lisa Miller

Sharleen Bunke – In memory of Elmer & Ruby Bunke

Jacob Rausch – In memory of Paul & Dorothy Rausch and

Beverly Gerken

Mark & Debra Oberhaus – In memory of Art & Betty Botjer and


Leland & Loretta Oberhaus

Tom Meyer & Nelma Church – In memory of Melvin & Laura

Meyer and Glen Church

Alice Knepley – In memory of Ken & Aly

Jim & JoAnn Arens – In memory of Floyd & Emma Scheele

Betty Hoy – In memory of Jim Hoy and Alex Kuser

Renata Von Deylen – In memory of Don Von Deylen

Mary Ann Ramey – for Family who have gone to the Lord

Russ & Sherry Krueger – In memory of John Leaders

St Peter – Memorial Day @ Florida

The Florida Volunteer Fireman are planning to have a chicken barbecue on Memorial Day, May 27th. Our church members will be helping. We will need food and workers. Watch for more information in the bulletins.

Orphan Grain Train

Orphan Grain Train will be hosting their yearly fundraiser during the 424 Garage Sale Event on June 6-7-8 at the Fire station in Florida. This is the one and only fundraiser that OGT does for the year. Money raised is used for fuel and transportation funds to get the donations to the needy areas. So how can you help OGT in their efforts? They are looking for the following items to sell: Household & any type of garage sale items (no clothing please); Bake sale items. They are also in need of volunteers – those who can help collect and set up the items for sale and those that can assist during the event as salespeople. They also serve lunches during the event. Finally – take time to stop by and purchase an item, baked good or lunch!


Greeting from Preschool!

Can’t believe we’ve reached the last month of school for the 2018/2019 school year!

April was busy with our monthly library visit. Bible lesson with Miss Evie, visit from firefighter Kyle Richards and his fire truck, and our annual St Judy Trike-a-Thon next week!! We’re also working on our numbers and have had the themes of weather, caterpillars, Easter, space and lions! May will be busy as well as we start to prepare for preschool graduation!

Our spring open house was a huge success in April. Lots of new families and we’ve enrolled a lot for Fall already! We love Preschool!

In God’s Blessings, Julie Rees

Confirmation Day

Congratulations to our Confirmands!


May you always look to God

and His guidance every day

as you seek to follow Him

and His good and perfect way.

As you go along the path

that He’s chosen just for you,

may He richly bless your life

and bring joy in all you do. - unknown

Newsletter - April

Pastor’s Message

Over my last few newsletter articles I have been encouraging everyone to pray more this year. I believe one of the reasons we don’t pray a lot, is we don’t know how to.

I have been suggesting an outline to use for Prayers. I have already suggested you begin with an ADDRESS. In the Lord’s Prayer, Our Father is an address to Our Father in Heaven. You follow an address with a Rational. In the Lord’s Prayer our Father who art in Heaven is the Rational. He is in Heaven so he can see everything and knows everything. You can then add what we call a Petition. These are the Things you actually pray for, so it’s sometimes called the requests.

I would suggest some of your Petitions be followed by what’s called The Benefit. Here is an example; Let’s say you pray, “Lead us not into temptation”. Then you say the BENEFIT. You might say, so I do not fall into “false believe, despair, and other great shame and vice.”

This is the benefit to not being lead into temptation. You do not always have to say a benefit, but it can be helpful. It can make your prayers more meaningful, and it can also help your prayers not to be selfish ones. It’s hard to ask for a new car, if you can’t come up with a good Holy Benefit. You could pray for a car in this way. Let’s see what this would look like: God I pray that I can get a car, so that, I can get to work and serve my neighbor.

Here is an example from the Prayers of the Church for The First Sunday in April: [Address] Holy Father, [Rational] You raised up Your Son from the dead so that He might bestow upon us His Holy Spirit and the forgiveness of sins. [Petition] Grant that we might live joyfully as those who have been crucified and raised up with Christ in Holy Baptism, and [The Benefit] that we might boldly testify of Him, His forgiveness and peace, to all who will hear. Lord, in Your mercy, hear our prayer.

Lent and Holy Week Schedule

April 10th & 11th - Lent Service – 7pm

April 14th - Palm Sunday – Confirmation 10:00am

April 18th - Maundy Thursday Service – 7pm @ St Paul

April 19th - Good Friday Service 7:30pm

April 21st - Easter Sunrise Service – 6:30am & Easter Breakfast – 7:30am

Congratulations to our Confirmands

MaKenna Helmke – daughter of Andrew & Robyn Helmke

Zander Watson – son of Bridgett Volkert and Clifford Watson

LWML Defiance Zone Spring Rally Saturday


April 6, 2019 Zion Lutheran Church – Edgerton Registration and Breakfast at 8:30am Being the Lord’s Blessings for the Children featuring Pastor Kurt Letcher will speak on Rosa Young: Pioneer Lutheran Educator and Missionary. Anne Compere, a representative from the Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch in Minot, ND will be present to give information about the Ranch and its mission. Monetary ingathering will be for the Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch.

German Lutheran Heritage

You are invited to a German Lutheran Heritage Meeting at 2 PM, April 21 at the Lutheran Social Services Building South of Archbold on State Route 66 across from the Four County Career Center. The special program is entitled “Researching My German Lutheran Heritage” by Joanne Richolt Allison. She and her German speaking Daughter-in- Law toured Austria and Germany so she has a very interesting presentation to share. Beverages and German coffee cake will be served. Public is welcome.

St Peter’s Ladies Tea

Plans are being made for this event on April 28th so mark the date on your calendar! Invite your family and friends, all ages. Anyone interested in helping plan contact: Deb Oberhaus, Nancy Michaelis, Kristin Leaders.


Attention ALL SENIORS! We would like to feature our graduating Seniors (from High School or College) in the May newsletter. Please send or drop off a copy of your senior picture with a bio of your senior accomplishments and future plans to the Church Secretary. Email to

Greetings from Preschool!

We are so happy that the weather has finally gotten better and we're able to enjoy recess outside ~ the fresh air has sure felt great after that long winter.


March was a busy month in Preschool. We celebrated Dr. Seuss' birthday early in the month ~ always a big hit with the preschoolers. Ms. Barb from the Napoleon Public Library always visits us each month with new books to read. Ms. Evie comes monthly to teach us a wonderful Bible lesson ~ we love her visits! The leprechauns made a visit around St. Patrick's Day ~ and made quite the mess in our classroom! We tried so hard to trap one, but it didn't work! Henry County Hospital came to visit and talked with us about Poison Prevention. A wonderful presentation from them and much appreciated they came to speak to us.

April will consist of our library visit and Bible lesson. Firefighter Kyle comes back this month and will bring the Florida/Flatrock firetrucks!!! We can't wait. We will have our 3rd annual St. Jude Trike-a-Thon the end of the month ~ always such a fun day and raising money for a great cause.

Our Spring Open House is scheduled for Wednesday, April 17th from 4:30-6:30pm. Please spread the word! We have a lot of students returning and have already enrolled a bunch for Fall! This makes me so happy!

Thanks again for allowing me to be your Preschool teacher ~ I am blessed!

In God's Blessings ~ Mrs. Rees

Love Monster

Love Monster - Storytime & Craft


St. Peter Lutheran Preschool hosted another fabulous Storytime & Craft on February 13th. Kids and parents enjoyed a reading of Love Monster by our very own Mrs. Julie Rees.( link to bio) After the story, the kids and parents enjoyed craft time by designing their very own Love Monster. We definitely had some little Picasso's this night. The kids were able to satisfy their sweet tooth with some homemade preschool cookies. What better way to show how much we love our preschool?

We would like to thank everyone who attended. As usual, we had a wonderful time!  Now registering for Fall classes. Please check out our upcoming OPEN HOUSE! Teacher/Director: Julie Rees Ph: 419-966-3263 . We LOVE preschool!


Would you like to hear more about St. Peter Lutheran Preschool? Fill out the form below.

Newsletter - March

From Pastor’s Desk

Over my last few newsletter articles I have been encouraging everyone to pray more this year. I believe one of the reasons we don’t pray a lot, is we don’t know how to.

I have been suggesting a FOUR PART outline to use for Prayers. I have already suggested you begin with an ADDRESS. In the Lord’s Prayer, Our Father is an address to Our Father in Heaven. You follow an address with a Rational. In the Lord’s Prayer our Father who art in Heaven is the Rational. He is in Heaven so he can see everything and knows everything.

You can then add what we call a Petition. The Petition is best described as the “Request”. Asking for your daily bread in the Lord’s Prayer is a Petition. It is something you want, and you are asking for it. We can see in the Lord’s Prayer there are multiple Petitions. Thy Kingdom Come is a petition. In the same way when a person prays they can have many Petitions or requests as they need.

The Petition is usually the reason you are praying in the First place. For this reason, it’s usually not the part of the Prayer you have to think about. Yet, I believe putting a Petition after an Address and a Rational helps us to think about who we are addressing our Petitions to. For instance we might all like a cooler car or a nicer house, but is this something we really want to ask God of? So next time you think about something you want to pray for, consider saying all three parts of the Prayer. – Pastor Jacob Stuenkel

Ash Wednesday and Lenten Services

Ash Wednesday Service – March 6th – 7pm

Wednesday Lent Services – 7pm

Lenten Dinners

Come join us on March 13th for our first Lenten Dinner 6:00pm. Dinners will continue on Wednesdays: March 20th, 27th, April 3rd and 10th. A sign up sheet will be posted on the bulletin board in the Narthex. Please sign up with a friend and prepare one of the meals.

St Peter’s Chili Cook Off Newsflash


Congratulations to all 7 awesome chili participants: Marv & Nancy Michaelis, Tim & Becky Buchhop, Kevin & Evie Leaders, Bill & Alicia Richardson. Drum Roll: We had a tie for 2nd place: Jake & Addi Leaders and Roger & Pam Jones. Our 2019 Champion was Ryan & Ben Weddelman! Congratulations! Thank you to everyone who participated by attending, fixing delicious food, decorating, set up crew, counter & drum roll, kitchen helpers, Pastor, Emilie, Cindy and the planning committee. Will there be a Challenge in 2020? Board of Witness, Outreach & Stewardship

Church Directory Family Photos


Were you unavailable for our church directory photo shoot? No worries! You can set up an appointment with Emilie Parsons or if you have questions ph: 419-758-3348. She will be taking any additional family photos at her studio, which is located in Defiance, Ohio. You also have an option of sending in a family photo / snapshot (as long as it is NOT copyrighted by a photographer). If you are sending in a family photo / snapshot please email: Deadline: March 31, 2019


- Thank you everyone for coming to have your family / individual photo taken for the St Peter church directory. It went so smoothly and I had a wonderful time visiting with all of you. Be sure to check your email in the upcoming week for your complementary digital right!

Emilie Parsons

Scheduled Group photos for the church Directory

Schedule of group pictures to be taken for our new church directory: Sunday, March 3rd: 9:15 am – Choir, Chimers; after church – Altar Guild Sunday, March 10th after church: Church Council, Pastor, Staff Tuesday, March 12th: LWML, 1:30 pm

Greetings from St Peter Preschool!

We’ve had a good month of February - despite dealing with many school weather cancellations. The students are enjoying school and doing amazing.

Next week we have our annual visit from the dentist for “dental health” week. The kiddos are super excited!

We are currently enrolling for the 2019/2020 school year - our Spring Open House is Wednesday, April 17th from 4:30-6:30pm. Next school year we will again be teaching these days: the 3 year old class will be T/Th from 9-11:30am with a one time enrollment fee of $45 and $60/month tuition. The 4/5 year old class will be MWF from 9-11:30am with a one time enrollment fee of $45 and a $90/month tuition. Please spread the word! The enrollment fee will hold the students spot for next school year.

As always, feel free to visit anytime. We love Preschool and would love for you to see what we do!

In God’s Blessings,

Mrs Rees

Newsletter - February

From Pastor’s Desk

In my last newsletter article I talked about New Year’s Resolutions. I encouraged everyone to consider praying more this year. I believe one of the reasons we don’t pray a lot, is we don’t know how to. Prayer does not always have to be uniform or the same. I do believe we can learn how to outline a prayer and that can help a person to feel confident in prayer.


I am going to suggest a FOUR PART outline to use for Prayers, and I am going to discuss these parts throughout the Year. Each Prayer begins with an Address. Then has A Rational. Which is followed by The Petitions [or what you are asking for]. This followed by The Benefit. And it should end with a Termination or the Conclusion. Throughout the year I am going to explain each one of these parts.

One thing most prayers should start with is an ADDRESS. Just like you have to think about a person’s name before you call them on your phone, you should address the Deity you pray to. After all we don’t just pray to any god, but we pray to the Triune God of the Scriptures. And it is this God that we should address our prayers to. You can see that Jesus taught us to do this when he taught the LORD’S PRAYER. It starts “Our Father”. He wanted the disciples and us to think of God as our Father and to address him as our Father. And most Prayers do this as in the prayer that we have for our Government:

Almighty God, guide and defend the President, Congress and all who administer and judge our laws. Change the hearts of those who would lead us away from Your justice and truth. Preserve in this land the freedom to serve You, and lead us to be faithful citizens. Lord, in Your mercy, hear our prayer. You can see how the Prayer started with an Address to our God as Almighty. When you start to remember to start your prayers you start to address God directly. And sometimes you even address God in a way that makes sense for the Prayer. Here we praying for our leaders who seem powerful, but recognize that our God is the TRUE Almighty. SO the Next time you pray to God try addressing Him First, just like you would anyone else you have a relationship with. – Pastor Jacob Stuenkel


St Peter is observing Lutheran Hour Sunday on Sunday, February 3, 2019 in the regular worship service. The Lutheran Laymens League has been in existence for 100 years and the LLL began the Lutheran Hour Broadcasts in 1930 with Dr. Walter A. Maier as its first speaker and has continued that very special ministry of sharing God’s Word by bringing Christ to the nations and the nations to the church throughout the world. Many of our parents and grandparents have faithfully supported this ministry over the years with their prayers, financial gifts and by listening to the broadcasts. The present speaker is Dr. Michael Ziegler. A brochure and an attached envelope will be available which can use to make a gift to the Lutheran Hour . Our area is blessed to have the local Napoleon radio station WNDH 103.1 provide air time to the weekly Lutheran Hour broadcasts. There are envelopes on the narthex bulletin board to be used to sponsor the Sunday morning 9 AM program for $67.50 as a memorial or honor gift.

College Care Packages

care package.jpg

Care packages will be packed at the LWML meeting on February 12. College students for this school year are Dalton Krueger, Logan Helmke, Brian Weddelman, Lexi Henricks, Alexis Zachrich, Ashton Helmke and our adopted Seminarian: Ryan Pumphrey. The seminarian’s family includes two teenage daughters. If you can help with this project, you can place items in the designated box in the church narthex. Suggested items are snacks, candies, toothpaste, toothbrushes, quarters, pens and pencils, microwave popcorn, q-tips, hand creams and hand sanitizers and anything else you can think that students could use. Thank you so much for sharing in this ministry.”

Chili Cook-off!

Join us for our Chili Cook-Off on February 10, 2019. The meal will be following our 10AM church service. If you are interested in a challenge, sign up and let us decide which chili is the BEST!


2019 Church Council

President – Tim Buchhop

Vice President – Russell Krueger

Recording Secretary – Peg Dammann

Board of Trustees – Marty Helmke, Mark Oberhaus, Doug Dammann

Board of Elders – Roger Jones, Kevin Leaders

Treasurer – Jon Block

Financial Secretary – Judy Meyer

Board of Witness, Outreach & Stewardship – Deb Oberhaus, Nancy Michaelis

Other Elected Offices

Building Improvement Fund Treasurer – Judy Meyer

Sunday School Supt – Bridget Volkert & Emilie Parsons

Financial Review Committee – Marvin Michaelis

JoAnn Arens, Nancy Helmke

Endowment Fund Committee – Nancy Michaelis & Larry Retcher, Jim Meyer, Sharlene Bunke & Lavina Boesling


Greetings from Preschool!

We had a wonderful month of December in Preschool celebrating the “reason for the season.” The students loved hearing about the birth of Jesus and why we celebrate Christmas. We absolutely LOVE our new floor. The room looks amazing. Thank you St Peter Church! Our Preschool sure is blessed!!! January is a slower month as we deal with weather and cold temps. We’ve already experienced a few weather delays and a cancellation. We have our pajamas and movie day which is always a big hit with the students! February we will celebrate Valentine’s Day, visit from Ms Barb and the library and also a visit from the dentist!! We start our “All About Me” weeks in February as well. Look for the student’s posters to be hanging up in the hallway and get to know the students of St Peter Preschool! Evie Leaders will be coming in monthly to do a bible lesson with the students and I am so thrilled she’s doing this for us! We can’t wait. Thanks Evie! Feel free to stop in anytime and see us! In God’s Blessings - Mrs Rees

Newsletter - January

Pastor’s Desk January 2019


It’s a New Year. It’s a time to celebrate. It’s also a time where people have New Year’s Resolutions. Here is one possible Resolution you could have, Pray more. I find people don’t often know how to pray or what to pray for. For this year I am going to have a small lesson on Prayer each month. I thought I would begin with a prayer for the coming year:

Let us pray for the whole Church of God in Christ Jesus and for all people according to their needs.

In peace, let us pray to the Lord: For the freedom of Gospel preaching, that the Good News of forgiveness and salvation in Christ would bring healing and hope to the nations.

For the students at our seminaries, that they would receive the Word planted in them, grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ, and be eager and willing witnesses to the saving power of Jesus Christ,

For the coming year, that our God would fill it with blessings of body and soul, that we would recognize each as coming from His hands rather than chance or our own efforts, and that we would render all praise and thanks to God, let us pray to the Lord:

These petitions, and every other matter upon our hearts, we bring to You, O Lord. Hear our prayers and answer as You think best. Blessed be Your name, Father! Amen.

 [Taken from Prayer of the Church New Year’s Eve LCMS].




How blessed we are to have this organization as an auxiliary of the Lutheran Church/Missouri Synod.  The LUTHERAN HOUR radio broadcast started in 1930 with Dr. Walter A. Maier as its first speaker and to date there have been eight successive speakers.  Even though the methods and mediums have changed, the same Word of God and His saving message have been delivered through tremendous opportunities and God’s blessings to proclaim His love to our world.



1940 - Lutheran Hour begins foreign broadcasts;

1950 - Dr. Maier, first Lutheran Hour speaker, passes away;

1951 - First Lutheran Hour float appears in Rose Bowl Parade and continues to this day;

1952 - “This is the Life” TV show premieres;

1963 - Lutheran Hour broadcasts commenced in Brazil;

1978 - First Spanish radio broadcasts;

1992 - First message recorded in former Communist USSR and in Slovakia in 1993;

1992 - Lutheran Laymen’s League begins involvement with Orphan Grain Train.


St.Peter congregation will observe LUTHERAN HOUR SUNDAY on February 3, 2019 giving us a special opportunity to support the work of the Lutheran Hour by using gift envelopes provided in our bulletins.  We can also support the local Lutheran Hour broadcasts on WNDH radio 103.1 (Napoleon) on Sunday mornings at 9 AM.  There are envelopes on the church narthex bulletin board for use in giving $67.50 for one broadcast  as a memorial or honor gift.”


Greetings from Preschool!



I hope everyone has a blessed holiday spent with family and friends.  We had a wonderful December in Preschool.  Thanks to everyone who helped donate and/or purchased cookies for our Annual Cookie Walk. We raised $875 for our preschool!   Much appreciated! 

We also held our 2nd Storytime & Craft - with 20 kiddos in attendance!   We hope to have 2 more before the end of the school year.  

The Preschool students performed the bells in church on 12/16!  Such an amazing morning!   We loved being with you all - your support for our Preschool is simply amazing - we hope you enjoyed the performance and celebrating St Peter Preschool’s 30th Anniversary!  

We’re currently on Christmas break - we’ll be back in class on Monday, January 7th - with a new floor!  Thank you so much for that!  We can’t wait to see it!

January in Preschool will be Pajama and movie day, visit from the library, continuing with assessments and hopefully seeing some snow!!

Thanks for everything you do for our preschool!

In God’s Blessings - Mrs Rees