From Pastor’s desk
We all know that Christmas is the 25th of December. I doubt many of us think about what saint is remembered on December 26th. That day is the lesser festival where we remember Stephan the Deacon. He was not only a deacon, but the first martyr of the church. This means he paid the ultimate price for sharing the good news of Jesus Christ (See Acts 7). Of course Christmas is a time of celebrating God’s gracious gift to us. That gift being His Son, who would go on to pay the debt for the sins of the whole world. That Son also calls on us to deny ourselves, take up our cross, and follow Him (See Mark 8:34). For some Christians that cross might be paying the ultimate price for sharing the gospel. Christians today are still being martyred. So this Christmas be thankful for the good things we have, but remember to pray for those who are still being persecuted for the faith.
Pastor Jacob Stuenkel
Christmas Services
December 24th – Christmas Eve
8:30am St Paul Sunday Worship Service
10:00 St Peter Children’s Christmas Program Service
6:30pm St Paul Children’s Christmas Program Service
December 25th – Christmas Day
8:30am St Paul Communion Worship Service
10:00am St Peter Communion Worship Service
St Peter – Endowment Fund
The Endowment Fund is now taking applications until the end of the year for projects. See the narthex bulletin board for more information. Endowment Committee: Larry Retcher, Meta Walter, Ruth Block, Steve Franz, Nancy Michaelis.
St Peter Congregational Christmas Dinner
All members of the church are invited to attend the Congregational Christmas Potluck to be held, Sunday, December 3rd following the service. Bring a potluck dish and share in the fellowship of the Christmas Season!
Henry County Christmas Cheer
St Peter - The list of items for Christmas Cheer is posted on the bulletin board. If you are unable to attend the Christmas Potluck and would like to donate items, a marked box will be in the cry room for those items, through December 3rd. Thanks so much!!
St Peter - Project We Care
The collection will go till December 3rd. A collection basket will is marked and placed in the narthex. We will purchase items for a family in need, this may be the only gifts they receive for Christmas. They will receive an invitation to join us at our Christmas Services, a Nativity, articles of clothing, a game/toy depending on ages etc. Christ is the Reason for the Season and showing we care and want to share Christ with them is the BEST! Questions ask Nancy H., Bette W. or Deb O.
St Peter’s LWML NEWS
The 2017-18 School Year Adopted Seminarian for St. Peter LWML is JUSTIN MASON, a fourth year student at Concordia Theological Seminary in Fort Wayne.
He and his wife Stephanie and their two daughters, Maria and Anastasia, live in Fort Wayne, IN. They have been invited to attend our Christmas dinner. He is a northeast Ohio native, having attended the University of Akron and served as a musician and college music professor prior to coming to the Seminary in 2014. He has acknowledged with thanks the monthly payment of $40 from our LWML unit since the beginning of the school year.
Annual Preschool Cookie Walk
Saturday, December 9th, 8:30-10:00am in the St Peter Preschool room. We are asking for donations of homemade Christmas cookies, brownies, puppy chow, fudge, etc. to be brought to the kitchen by 8:30am on the 9th. Whether you donate items or not, please come and purchase a box and fill it with a variety of goodies – easier than baking dozens of different recipes of cookies! Tell your friends and neighbors about our Cookie Walk. Thank you for all your kind support of the preschool by supplying and purchasing these Christmas Goodies.
New Flower Chart
The 2018 Flower Chart has been posted in the Narthex. If you wish to donate a floral arrangement for a special event, anniversary, in loving memory of someone or to the Glory of God, please choose a date and enter the information on the chart so your arrangement may be acknowledged in the bulletin.