From Pastor Stuenkel’s Desk
I am sure when many people think of October they think of October 31st which is known the world over as Halloween. Many will look forward to dressing up in costumes this year or taking their children around to get candy. This day was originally called All Hallows Eve. This is because it is the Eve of All Saints Day. For Lutherans, All Hallows Eve is remembered for what Martin Luther did and we now celebrate as Reformation Day. This is the day we celebrate Luther and his writing of the Ninety-Five Theses. This document and other writings of Luther would go on to change the world. Luther through his writings challenged many Catholic beliefs. These included their beliefs on Purgatory, indulgences, and one’s ability to earn their own salvation. We celebrate this day both Martin Luther and his rediscovery of the Gospel and this year we celebrate its 500th anniversary. The Gospel truth that man is justified by Christ alone and His saving work. As Ephesians 2:8 puts it, “For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God”
In this year especially, I hope we all can celebrate Luther’s faithful preaching of this Text and others that teach our Salvation is by Christ alone, and not because of our works.
Reformation Celebration Potluck
Please join in celebrating the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation at the Congregational Potluck to be held after the church service on Sunday, October 29th. A sign-up sheet is located on the bulletin board in the narthex. A special “German” theme is being planned for this potluck. What does that mean? When you sign up, you are asked to list what German dish you will be bringing, and how many will be attending. If you do not have a recipe, there will be German recipes posted on the bulletin board that may interest you to try. The committee asks that if you take a recipe, that you would please make that recipe for the potluck. Supplied that day will be hotdogs/brats/buns/drinks/ and table service. Some suggestions for potluck dishes could be: German potato salad, red cabbage, German sauerkraut, German noodles, German coffee cake. Any questions please contact Nancy Conrad, Ruth Block, Nancy Michaelis or Helen Norden, Meal Committee.
St Peter Preschool annual pizza fundraiser!
Money raised helps support the preschool. Pizzas are $8 each; 12" deli style; pepperoni, cheese or sausage
Order forms will be available in Church on the following Sunday's: 10/1 and 10/8
Money is due at time of order. Pizzas will be available to pick up at church on Sunday 10/22.
Thank you! Julie Rees, Teacher/Director
The LWML Defiance Zone Workshop
The Workshop is to be held on Sunday October 15th at 1pm at Zion Lutheran Church, Edgerton. The workshop project will be: Treatment Care Kits – kits with comfort items assembled for patients to use while receiving treatment for cancer or other diseases. The aim of the workshop is to assemble 16 kits. This would be enough for each church in the Zone to have 2 kits available for giving to anyone in need of them.
Workers Needed
St Peter Trustees are taking bids for church cleaning and church maintenance for 2018. Please have your bid in by October voters’ meeting. Contact Marty Helmke, Roger Jones or Ben Weddelman if you have any questions.
Lutheran Women in Mission
LWML Sunday – Celebrate Lutheran Women in Mission. A special worship service is planned for Sunday, October 8th to celebrate all that God has done through the LWML. The author of this service, Dr. Lawrence Rast writes “Building on God’s Promises” and we know this is our time to be distinctly Lutheran. Since 1942, the LWML has affirmed each woman’s identity as a child of God and her relationship with Jesus Christ, encouraging an equipping Christian women to live out their lives in active mission ministries, and to support missions around the world through their sacrificial gifts of mites, tithes, offerings and tireless service. Now is our time to “Be Ready to Confess! Faithfully and boldly of Christ’s redemptive work for us and for all the world.”
The St Peter ladies have prepared a display in the church narthex of their current mission projects and invite everyone to view this evidence of Lutheran Women in Mission. Mite Box Sunday at St Peter is evidence that our congregation is willing to share with gifts of love for the projects that are funded by MITES.
The St Paul ladies and church members are faithfully providing items of everyday needs by collecting items on a monthly basis, including clothing, food, etc. for the seminarians and their families at the Fort Wayne Seminary and delivering the same to them. They also support the Women’s Resource Center by having a baby shower and collecting baby items and diapers.
Be assured that the recipients of our gifts are most thankful and conclude their acknowledgments with their request to PLEASE PRAY FOR US AND OUR FAMILIES.
The LWML Defiance Zone Workshop
The Workshop is to be held on Sunday October 15th at 1pm at Zion Lutheran Church, Edgerton. The workshop project will be: Treatment Care Kits – kits with comfort items assembled for patients to use while receiving treatment for cancer or other diseases. The aim of the workshop is to assemble 16 kits. This would be enough for each church in the Zone to have 2 kits available for giving to anyone in need of them.
Greetings from Preschool!
We have had a wonderful first month of preschool for the 2017-2018 school year! We spent the first couple weeks getting to know each other and learn the rules of the classroom.
Just like last year, Ms. Barb of the Napoleon Public Library is coming to our classroom once a month to read to us, the children absolutely love it. In October, we get the opportunity to go see Ms. Barb at the Florida Public Library instead! We will walk down the road and have an adventure on the way!
Every Friday we are blessed to have Pastor Stuenkel visit the classroom and share God's word with us. The children have enjoyed having him visit us each week.
Each month we also have show-n-tell, Scholastic Book orders available, weekly letters, weekly themes and usually a visitor or two come see us! In October ~ Kyle Richards of the Florida/Flatrock Fire Department will visit us and talk about fire safety! In October, we will also be taking our one and only destination field trip ~ to the wonderful Leaders Family Farm!
The Preschool is currently in full swing of our annual Pisanello's Pizza fundraiser ~ your choice of a 12" deli style pizza in either cheese, pepperoni or sausage. These pizzas are fantastic and can be frozen. Myself, preschool families and the preschool committee will be making these pizzas on Saturday, October 21st in Liberty Center at 10am. Each pizza is $8 and all proceeds go to the preschool ~ your support in this fundraiser is greatly appreciated! Pizzas will be available for pick-up at church on Sunday, October 22nd. Please see order forms in the narthex ~ money is due at time of order and checks can be made out to St. Peter Preschool.
October will be just as busy and just as fun in Preschool! Looking forward to the Fall season, Halloween and learning about Fire Safety. WE LOVE OUR PRESCHOOL!
In God's Blessings,
Mrs. Rees