Newsletter - February

From Pastor Stuenkel’s desk:

"Remember that thou art dust, and to dust thou shalt return" (Gen. 3:19) .  These are the words the Pastor speaks as he puts ashes on the face of believers on Ash Wednesday.  This year Ash Wednesday occurs on February 14th.  Ash Wednesday begins the season of Lent.  Lent is a time of repentance.  During this time consider the cost Christ had to pay for your sins.  Lent is often times where people give things up.  For instance a lot of people use this time to try to quit smoking.  In the ancient church this was the time adults prepared for their Baptism which would occur on Easter Sunday. Lent for those adults was a time of instruction.  This is not unlike our confirmation classes.  During this time those ancient pastors would often preach the Old Testament in light of Jesus Christ. In spirit of this season of Lent I encourage you to read your Bible in light of the cost Christ paid on the Cross while you eagerly await the Easter Season.

Pastor Stuenkel

Lent Service Schedule

Ash Wednesday: Wednesday, February 14th 7pm

Mid Week Lenten Dinners and 7pm Services: February 21, 28, March 7, 14, 21             




For the past 100 years, God has used Lutheran Hour Ministries to bring messages of hope to the downtrodden, the lonely, the lost.  Decade by decade, we have risen to challenges to proclaim the Savior.  Each milestone required a bold step of faith.  Today, with billions of souls in danger of entering eternity apart from Christ, the need to boldly proclaim the love of Christ is greater than ever.  Lutheran Hour Ministries will not rest until the Gospel is proclaimed to as many of these souls as possible, in ways they can understand. 

Prayerful and monetary support allow LHM to share the Good News with more than 71 million people each week in more than 50 nations around the world through a variety of culturally relevant outreach programs and resources.  In our area, congregations and individuals are also privileged to support broadcasts of the Lutheran Hour on Sundays. 

 February 4 has been designated as LUTHERAN HOUR SUNDAY and you are encouraged to make a special offering in envelopes provided in the Church's Narthex.  Envelopes are also available on the St. Peter Narthex bulletin board for those wishing to support broadcasts of the LH on the Napoleon radio station.

We hope you are humbled to see how God uses our talents and treasures to make His Gospel known.

Lenten Dinners

The Board of Witness, Outreach and Stewardship is planning the Lenten dinners for 2018.  Please watch future bulletins or emails for more details.

We invite everyone to join in the Lenten dinners prior to the services on Wednesday evenings, starting February 21, 2018.  If you would like to assist in preparing a meal or salad/dessert for one of the dinners, there is a sign-up sheet posted on the bulletin board in the Narthex.  Come and enjoy the dinners and the fellowship.

Easter Flowers

Easter flower order forms will be posted on the narthex bulletin board February 4th.  Please fill out your order form and place in the offering plate. (CASH ONLY). Your order must be received by March 4th. Questions: Contact Deb Oberhaus 



St. Peter LWML will be packing  COLLEGE CARE PACKETS  at their meeting on February 13th at 1:30pm.  Snacks, treats, personal items, pens, pencils, currency and change are suggested.  There will be 5 packets sent. ( two girls, two boys and our Seminarian and his family)  If you care to assist with this project, please place your gifts in the box on the table in the Narthex. 

Officers for the 2018 year are as follows: President - Sharlene Bunke, Vice President - Alice Knepley, Secretary - JoAnn Arens, Treasurer - Bette Weddelman

Chili Cook Off

Our Chili Cook Off will be held February 11, 2018.  The meal will be following our 10AM church service.  If you are interested in a challenge, sign up and let us decide which chili is the BEST!  If you plan to make chili, contact Bette Weddelman or Deb Oberhaus.  A sign up sheet is posted in the Narthex bulletin board if you plan to attend.


Greetings from Preschool!

 Welcome to 2018 and the second half of our school year!  Time is sure flying by and we're having a fantastic time in school. 

Despite missing some school days this month due to weather, we've caught up and hoping we don't miss anymore.  The weather in NW Ohio is sure unpredictable! 

This month we've had some fun enjoying winter themes and talking about our good health.  We even made our own snowmen out of marshmallows!  Since this month isn't time we can always enjoy outside, we had a pajama & movie day ~ showing the movie "The Good Dinosaur."  We've worked on the letters N, O and P.   We also have new centers, more activities out during "center time," and Mrs. Rees is working on mid year assessments before conferences in March.  

Upcoming events include:  Ground Hogs Day, Valentine's Day party, visit from the dentist, Ms. Barb's monthly library visits, Dr. Seuss's birthday activities, conferences, Easter, 2nd annual St. Jude Trike-A-Thon, firefighter Kyle visits again, poison prevention week and graduation in May.  We're excited!! 

Please keep an eye out in the preschool hallway for our "All About Me" posters that we'll be starting soon ~ the students enjoy doing these and talking about their family and favorite things.   

As always, feel free to visit us anytime!  We love Preschool!  In God's Blessings,  Mrs. Rees