From Pastor's Desk
On March 17th America celebrates one of their most popular holidays. It is Saint Patrick’s Day. St. Patrick was the man most responsible for converting the pagan Ireland people into Christians. He spent 40 years spreading the good news of the gospel throughout the whole country. During those 40 years he converted Chieftains and built churches. One of his most famous illustrations was his use of the shamrock. He used the shamrock to teach about the Trinitarian God. The shamrock has three leafs, but it is still one plant. Likewise, the Trinity is three persons, but still one God. Today Saint Patrick can still be an example to us. He can also inspire us to share the gospel with our friends and neighbors. He also shows us that we can us the world around us to explain the mysterious of God. I hope this March 17th you do far more than just wear green and pick shamrocks. I hope you thank the Trinitarian God for Creating, Saving, and Sanctifying you.
Pastor Stuenkel
Lent and Holy Week Schedule
Lent Services – 7:00pm – Wednesday’s at St Peter and Thursday’s at St Paul
Palm Sunday Services – March 25th – 8:30am St Paul; 10:00am St Peter with Confirmations Both Churches
Maundy Thursday Service – March 29th – 7:00pm – St Paul
Good Friday Services – March 30th – 6:00pm St Paul; 7:30pm St Peter
Easter Services – April 1st
Easter Sunrise Service 6:30am St Peter
Easter Breakfasts 7:30am – Both Churches
Easter Communion Service 8:30am St Paul; 10:00am St Peter
Lenten Dinners
The Lenten Dinners will continue on Wednesday evenings, starting at 6:00PM, before the Lenten services. Everyone is invited to join us on March 7, 14 & 21. If you would like to assist in preparing a meal or salad/dessert for one of the dinners, there is a sign-up sheet posted on the bulletin board in the Narthex, or contact Bette Weddelman 419-762-5716. Come and enjoy the dinners and the fellowship.
Chili Cook-Off
The rescheduled Chili Cook-Off on February 18 went very well. We had six people make their chili, one was titled “Every Thing but the Kitchen Sink!”
After the votes were counted, Russ Krueger got third place and Ben Weddelman (with the help of his son Ryan) got second place. The winner of this years Chili Cook-Off was Abigayle Helmke. Congrats, Abby.
Thank You to all the people who made chili and the people who helped serve. Also, Thanks to everyone who came and brought the great food. A good day for All.
Our LWML has so much to be thankful for especially to the members of our congregation.
We are thankful to the Betty Meyer family who designated memorial gifts to be used to support Seminarians. This fund has provided $20 each month during the past two school years for our adopted seminarians in addition to the $40 per month our LWML unit contributes.
Our adopted seminarian, Justin Mason, and his family wrote in a recent note, "God bless you for your prayers and financial aid which you supply to seminarians like myself. I am a 4th yr student with a wife and two young children, therefore, your financial aid of $40 a month helps with our expenses. God bless you as you remember the future of Christ's church in His pastors."
We also appreciate so very much the generosity of our members in the first Sunday of the month MITE OFFERINGS. St. Peter's contribution for MITES totaled in excess of $1,160.00 during 2017. Mite offerings are only used for mission projects of Ohio District and national LWML.
Another example of LUTHERAN WOMEN IN MISSION was the abundance of neat stuff provided for the COLLEGE CARE PACKETS! We were able to fill six boxes (two for the seminarian and his family since we had so much). We are grateful to all of you and say OUR GOD BE THANKED!
Greetings from Preschool!
February was a much better month for the weather, although the temps are warm enough to go outside - the rain has put a stop to that! We can’t wait for Spring!
This month we had our Valentine party which was very very fun! The students even did a math lesson while graphing candy hearts!! Shhhhh- don’t tell them we were doing math while having fun! We also had a visit from Candi and Kenny from Dr Heinrich’s dental office. The students learned about proper dental care and even went home with new toothbrushes, toothpaste and floss!
In March we will be celebrating Dr Seuss’ birthday on Friday, 3/2. Also, our monthly visit with Ms Barb from the Napoleon Public Library and setting up “traps” in the classroom to catch any leprechauns that may try to visit us around St Patrick’s Day! New in March we will have Emily Hill from Henry County Hospital come in and speak with us about Poison Prevention - helping preschoolers understand the dangers of medications and other common household items.
The year will wrap up with conferences, Easter party, 2nd Annual St Jude Trike-A-Thon and finally graduation. Can’t believe how fast the year has gone!
Please mark your calendars & help spread the word: the Preschool Spring Open House will be on Thursday, April 19th from 5-7pm. We will have registration papers available, families can register for Fall and see the classroom. Both classes require a 1 time enrollment fee of $45. Classes run from 9a-11:3a. We are now accepting enrollment for the following:
3 year olds - T/Th - $60/month
4 and 5 year olds - M/W/F - $90/month
Click HERE to see our Facebook event!
In God’s Blessings, Mrs Rees