Pastor's Thoughts
Hello, it’s August, and that means Summer is 2/3rds over. This August is actually pretty Special. During this August [in Series B] we will be reading through John 6. In John 6 Jesus says, “51 I am the living bread that came down from heaven. If anyone eats of this bread, he will live forever. And the bread that I will give for the life of the world is my flesh.”
In this text Jesus is telling us that he is the one who is going to feed the whole world. The feeding here isn’t just food though. It is Salvation! And how he has done this, is by Giving his Flesh on the Cross. We probably don’t think of him Feeding us on the Cross. But that is exactly what he was doing. Without Jesus’ death and atonement, we would never be FED. We would not be fed with his words. We would not be fed with his Body and Blood. And we would not be fed with his forgiveness. We also look forward to the day when he feeds us for eternity at His Table. So when you’re eating that last Summer Barbeque remember to say a prayer and thank God for all the ways he has fed us through His Son.
St Peter – Special Voter’s Meeting
A Special Voter’s Meeting is scheduled for Sunday, August 5th following the Church Service. Items to be discussed is: Flooring in the Kitchen and Preschool area and the Parking Lot.
LWML Fall Retreat for Napoleon & Defiance Zones
Sept. 15, 2018 Starting at 8:30 a.m. and ending at 2:00 p.m. @ St John Stryker Rts 6 & 66
• The theme is “Make a Joyful Noise” Psalm 100.
• Ingathering – New underwear & socks for the Orphan Grain Train.
• Offering – Will go to Fort Wayne, Lutheran Military Vets & Families Ministry.
Filling Home – Festival of Tables
The Women’s Guild of the Filling Homes is once again celebrating a FESTIVAL OF TABLES LADIES LUNCHEON this Fall. They, first of all, request participation in decorating and hosting one or more tables at the event and also that the ladies of our area attend this year’s 20th anniversary of this celebration. This unique luncheon will be held at the Filling Home Therapy Center at Noon on Saturday, September 29, 2018. For more information, please check the narthex bulletin board. Tickets are $15.00 each.
Donations Needed!
Since it is time to be thinking of children heading off to school, the LWML is asking that both of our churches have an ingathering of NEW UNDERWEAR AND SOCKS which will be distributed to needy persons by the ORPHAN GRAIN TRAIN. No used underwear is sent out by the OGT. Men’s and boys new underwear and socks are especially needed this year. Each of our churches have a box designated for these items, we are asking for your assistance.
Thank you for considering this worthwhile project.
St Peter Preschool Open House & Enrollment for 2018-19
The Preschool Open House will be held on August 23rd from 5-7pm. Three year old preschoolers will meet on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9:00-11:30am ($60/month tuition). Four and Five year old preschoolers will meet on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 9:00-11:30am ($90/month tuition). A onetime $45 enrollment/supply fee will hold your child’s spot.
Stop by the open house and meet Mrs. Rees and see the classroom. Tell your friends and family about our Preschool!
ph: 419-922-3263
Or like St. Peter Preschool on Facebook!