From Pastor Stuenkel’s Desk
This October 31st we are having a trunk or treat on Halloween Night. I am sure we will all have a good time, just like people have on Halloween. Some people like to dress up in Costumes. Some people look forward to eating Candy. We often look at Halloween as an occult holiday. And it is true that many wiccans and cults have special rituals on Halloween night. As Christians we should remember that this day was originally called All Hallows Eve. This is because it is the Eve of All Saints Day. October 31st is also the day Martin Luther nailed the Ninety-Five Theses to the door of Wittenberg’s Castle Church.
Historians often have this day as the beginning of the Reformation. Although, Luther didn’t want to split the Catholic Church. He was trying to point out what he saw as abuses of the church. He also wanted what he saw as problems to be discussed and debated.
History had other Plans. Luther and his writings would go on to change the Catholic church and the European world forever.
Every year on October 31st [Or the Last Sunday of October] we celebrate both Martin Luther and his rediscovery of the Gospel. If it were not for Luther the world might have forgotten Gospel truths such as, that man is justified by Christ alone and His saving work. As Ephesians 2:8 puts it, “For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God”
I hope on October 31st and Future Halloweens, we can celebrate far more than Candy and Costumes. We can also celebrate how faithful Christians like Martin Luther were willing to Share the Good News of Jesus Christ.
Friendship Sunday
Let’s Celebrate Our Friends on Sunday October 14th – Share the fun and Good News with someone else, bring a friend (one or more!) to Sunday School and Church. There will be light refreshments served after church by the Outreach Committee.
Preschool Pizza Fundraiser
Order now through Sunday, October 14th. 12” deli style pizza in your choice of cheese, pepperoni or sausage. $8 each. Proceeds will benefit the Preschool. Pizzas will be delivered to the Church on Saturday, October 20th. Please plan to pick up pizzas anytime after 12pm that day or we can deliver them to you!
Youth Group Spaghetti Dinner
October 21st the Youth Group members from St Peter and St Paul will be hosting a Spaghetti Dinner at St Peter in the Fellowship Hall. We will be serving Spaghetti, Garlic Bread, Salad and Desserts. This is a free will donation. All money raised will be put towards the cost of the Youth attending the National Youth Gathering in Minneapolis, Minnesota in July. We will be serving from 11:30-1:30 Carry outs will be available. Open to the public.
Trunk or Treat
Everyone is invited to join St. Peter on Wednesday, October 31st from 5:30-7:30PM for our Trunk or Treat night! You can participate by decorating your vehicle and passing out treats to children or bring your children or grandchildren to the event!
Congregational Photo
We are planning on taking a Congregational Photo on Sunday, October 28th following our 10AM worship service. Weather permitting we will be taking it outside in the parking lot. Please dress appropriately. Help us remind other members of the church.
The Defiance Zone LWML invites all our ladies to the Christian Life Workshop on Sunday, October 14 at CHRIST OUR SAVIOR LUTHERAN CHURCH (on State Route 66 on south edge of Defiance) commencing at 1:30 PM. Included in the program is Pastor Terry Cripe, Ohio District President Emeritus, who will lead a Bible Study entitled, ‘SILENCED VOICES’ on a timely subject referenced in the Bible. More details are given on a poster displayed in the Church Narthex.
LWML Adopted Seminarians
Our Adopted Seminarian for the 2018-19 School Year is Ryan Pumphrey. (His home church is Redeemer, Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio) He and his wife Jennifer have two children, Rebecca and Cassandra. He is a second year student at Ft. Wayne Seminary Fort Wayne, IN.
St. Peter congregation is also assisting a Deaconess by sending a one-time donation to the Deaconess Program at the Fort Wayne Seminary.
Greetings from St. Peter Preschool!
We have had an AMAZING start to the 2018/2019 school year! I am so happy with how well the students are doing and adjusting to our classroom schedule.
October will be a busy month in Preschool. We will walk to the Florida Public Library, Leaders Farm field trip, a visit from the Florida/Flatrock Fire Department and our Halloween parties! We also have our weekly themes, weekly letter and weekly Bible story!
A few important upcoming events: First annual Storytime and Craft event at St Peter Preschool! Wednesday, October 3rd at 4:30pm.
This event is free and open to ages 18 months to 1st grade. Join Mrs. Rees as she reads "Spookley the Square Pumpkin" book! Looking forward to this event!
Pisanello's Pizza fundraiser has started! 12" deli style pizza in cheese, pepperoni or sausage. $8 each. Proceeds will benefit the Preschool. Order and sell now thru Sunday, October 14th. Information is available in the narthex or from any Preschool committee member. We appreciate your support! And these pizzas are DELICIOUS!
As always, I am so happy to be your Preschool teacher! Feel free to stop in the classroom anytime to see what we're up to! In God's Blessings, Mrs. Rees