From Pastor’s Desk
October in our wider Cultural world is usually seen as a time of Ghost and Goblins when we celebrate Halloween on October 31st. Yet, as Lutherans it is on the same day we celebrate the Reformation. The reason we celebrate the Reformation on that day is simple. On October 31st 1917 Martin Luther nailed his Ninety Five Thesis on the Castle Church in Wittenberg. The reason he nailed it to that door was it was practically the Universities bulletin board.
What was Luther addressing when he wrote the 95 Thesis? He was addressing a few controversies at thetime, and one of the issues was how a person saved. "The true Treasure of the church is not the superabundant merits of Christ and the Saints, subject to Papal control, but the most holy Gospel of the Glory and grace of God, freely offered to repentant Sinners by Faithful Pastors." In other words, it is the free gift of Salvation offered to us by Christ that Saves people, and nothing else. For this Luther was called a Heretic. His 95 theses along with his later writings helped start the reformation.
Today the whole Christian Church has come to appreciate Luther. Even in Catholic circles Luther is seen as a worthy Partner in theological dialogue. Which means Luther and his writings have helped the Catholic Church a great deal as they reach out to other church bodies and have ecumenical dialogues. [Some of the information for this article were taken from: Walker, Willison; Norris, Richard. A History of The Christian Church Fourth Ed. Published in 1985. (Pg.419-423)]
St Peter Men’s Dartball Schedule
All games begin at 7pm
Oct 15th – Away at Emanuel Napoleon
Nov 19th – Away at Trinity Bryan
Dec 17th – Away at Wesley UM Bryan
Jan 21st – Home vs Bethlehem Lutheran Okolona
Feb 18th – Away at St John Deshler
Mar 3rd – Home vs Trinity Wauseon
Mar 15th – Tournament at St John Deshler 2pm
Friendship Sunday at St Peter
Let’s Celebrate Our Friends on Sunday October 13th – Share the fun and Good News with someone else, bring a friend (one or more!) to Sunday School and Church. There will be light refreshments served after church by the Outreach Committee.
Trunk or Treat
Alicia and her dog Ellie
Although the Date is not determined yet -Everyone is invited to come out to St. Peter's Lutheran Church, Florida, Ohio and participate in the Trunk or Treat night. Times will be 5:30 - 7:30 You can participate by decorating your vehicle and passing out treats to the kids OR bring your children or grandchildren to the event! Watch future bulletins for the Date!!
LWML Defiance Zone Christian Life Workshop
St Peter-Florida is hosting the Christian Life Workshop on Sunday – October 13th from 2:00-4:00pm The Guest Speaker is Rev. Dr. Carl E. Rockrohr. Rev. Dr. Rockrohr is presently serving as Pastor of Zion Lutheran Church in Ridgeville Corners. He will be sharing his experiences as a missionary in Ghana, South Africa and Ethiopia. He was a teacher/professor in the LCMS Seminary and will share many interesting details of the cultures and the status of Christianity in those areas. No registration is required – All women of the Defiance Zone Churches are invited to attend this Christian Life event. Light refreshments will be provided.
Greetings from Preschool!
We’ve had an amazing start to the school year and I am so blessed & thankful for 2 perfect classes this year - 15 students total!!! We’ve talked about our classroom rules, learned about each other, had our weekly themes and enjoyed everyday. Thanks to Emilie Parsons for taking our school pictures this week, I can’t wait to see all the amazing smiles!!
As always, I am so thankful to have this job and be your preschool teacher. St Peter Preschool committee, the church members and everyone else have been so supportive with everything. I thank you all from the bottom of my heart. In God’s Blessings, Mrs Rees