Newsletter - June

From Pastor's Desk 


I had a dream the other night that I was back in High School running track. It made me realize how much fun it was for five years of my life during the spring time to run for our track team. 

I then got up and realized how many kids, high schoolers and college students have had similar experiences stolen from them these last few months. 

I am sure many of us have felt that the last few months have taken things from us. For some people it is fun experiences. For others, they have lost wages that they would have earned otherwise. Others have missed important surgeries that have been put off because hospitals have had to move resources around. 

The point is this, the virus and the lock-down have taken things from us. It has not taken everything from us. It cannot take God's love away from us. 

St. Paul writes in Romans 8:35 (NIV) Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or hardship or nakedness or danger or sword?: 37 No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. 

The world already seems to be overcoming this virus. We also know that Christ has overcome the world and death itself on the cross. Nothing can conquer us. And we should remind ourselves of this fact during these difficult times.

Re-oping Guidelines


St. Peter Re-opening Guidelines Our Church Leadership has been reviewing our services and worship practices in order to incorporate Social Distancing Protocols. In reopening again to in-person services our Church Leadership has put together the following guidelines: 

• We encourage social distancing on all church property 

• If you are considered to be part of the high-risk group for COVID-19, please consider not attending initial in-person services. 

• If you have any possible symptoms of a virus (Symptoms may appear 2-14 days after exposure to the virus. People with these symptoms may have COVID-19: Fever or chills, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fatigue, muscle or body aches, headache, new loss of taste or smell, sore throat, congestion or runny nose, nausea or vomiting, diarrhea) please do not attend in-person services until it is safe to do so. Please consider checking your temperature before coming to church. 

• If you are concerned about your personal well-being, the church will be here to serve you individually but at a distance. 

• We strongly recommend you to wear face coverings. 

• The narthex doors will be propped open whenever possible so that you may enter without touching the doors. 

• We encourage people to go straight into the sanctuary. 

• You will be ushered into the sanctuary, to ensure proper social distancing. 

• Bulletins will be laid out on a table next to the doors so you can pick one up as you enter. 

• You will be ushered out in order to maintain the social distancing. Those sitting in the back will be ushered out first. 

• The Offering plate will be placed at the door so that you may place your offering into the plate on your way out of church. 

• First planned communion is July 5th 

• The church restrooms will be open. Feel free to use them as necessary, but please avoid using them if possible. The fellowship hall will not be available for use. 

• If you have questions or concerns regarding how the church may best serve your spiritual needs while maintaining your safety, please contact one of our elders. We want to hear from you! And we will do our best to accommodate your wishes. 

• Services will continue to be recorded and available by: 

  • Facebook

  • Our website

  • If you would like a CD or DVD of the service, please contact the church office.

Above all, please be respectful of and avoid infringing on each person's personal attempt to be safe in the way that they choose. And always keep in mind - especially when interacting with our at-risk members - that you could be a carrier of the virus and not know it. Please act accordingly.