Area Youth Come Together to Help Hurricane Victims
The youth groups of St. John Lutheran - Stryker (6 & 66), St. Peter Lutheran, and St. Paul-Flatrock came together on Wednesday, November 1 to assemble relief aid packages for hurricane victims in Puerto Rico. Twenty-six youth from the area churches put together personal hygiene kits, wound care kits, and baby care kits. Approximately one thousand dollars worth of supplies including: combs, towels, deodorant, shampoo, toothpaste, toothbrushes, and many more items. The care packages will be sent to H.A.R.P. in Caldwell, Ohio , and will then be shipped to Miami, Florida. From there they will be sent to Puerto Rico around November 9. This aid is greatly appreciated because about 80% of all disaster relief aid comes from Christian organizations.
We would like to thank the following for their support: Orphan Grain Train, Emilie’s Photo Designs, Thrivent Financial, Henry County Bank, Dental Excellence of Napoleon, and other private donors.
Newsletter - November
Pastor's Thoughts
November 1st is for most people just another day. In the Christian world this day is All Saints Day. All Saints Day is the day we celebrate those believers who have come before us. When celebrating this day it is appropriate to remind ourselves where these faithful are now. They are in the presence of God himself. As Revelation 7:4 so beautiful puts it “These are the ones coming out of the great tribulation. They have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.” This verse also reminds us how it is possible the saints are with God. Not only that, but why they are saints at all. The reason is because of Christ and his atoning sacrifice. So in the spirit of All Saints Day I encourage you to meditate on the words spoken in the preface in the Service of the Sacrament. When the Pastor says, “Therefore with angels and archangels and with all the company of heaven…”ask yourself who does that include? The Company of heaven includes all the saints who are with Christ now. When you participate in communion you are with that company, and that is a truly wonder thing. In this we can also remember that we too one day will join this company.
We will be in the presence of God, we will have our robes made white in the blood of the Lamb. And we too will “celebrate the marriage feast of the Lamb in His Kingdom which has no end; through Jesus Christ… who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God now and forever” Amen.
So I hope you have a blessed All Saints Day.
Rev. Jacob Stuenkel
YOUTH GROUP OUTREACH - the youth at St. Peter is hosting a gathering to include youth from St. Paul Flatrock and St. John Stryker (6&66). This will be held 7pm, November 1. We will be assembling hygiene kits for hurricane victims. We look forward to the fellowship with old and new friends as we help with this important project.
St Peter – Christmas Poinsettias
Poinsettia order forms are posted on the narthex bulletin board. Orders must be in no later than November 12th.
Please place orders in the offering plate.
Questions?? Contact Deb Oberhaus # 419-762-5397. Thank You!
THANK YOU to St. Peter Lutheran church for sponsoring the Red Cross blood drive and the use of the building. Thank you also to all of the volunteers and donors. We were able to collect 28 units. Thanks again for supporting the American Red Cross.
Greetings from Preschool!
We had a very busy and fun month of October! Our highlights included: a walking trip to the Florida Public Library, Leader's Farm field trip, Pisanello's Pizza fundraiser, visit from Kyle Richards with the Florida/Flatrock fire department and our Halloween party!
Thank you to everyone who bought, sold and helped make the pizzas for our Pisanello's Pizza fundraiser! Very much appreciated. Special thanks to Bette Weddelman, Ruth Block, Sharlene Bunke, Pam Jones, Sherry Krueger, Alice Knepley, Andy Parsons, the Weber Family and my husband, Brian, for making 272 pizzas on Saturday, October 21st! We made them in 1 1/2 hours and raised $1,360 for St. Peter Preschool!
November will be another great month in Preschool. We will focus on Praise & Thanksgiving. Our themes will include: Turkeys, Thanksgiving and Teddy Bears. Our letters will be I, J and K. We will not have school the week of November 20th. My family and I are driving to Austin, Texas to spend the week with my sister and her family for the holiday. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family. In God' Blessings, Mrs. Rees
St Peter’s Congregational Christmas Potluck date is December 3rd. Planning committee dates will be in the November bulletins. Needed: Volunteers! Looking forward to seeing You at the meetings!!
Sunday School Fun
Pam Jones' Sunday School class made King Solomon's temple out of stone, cedar, and juniper today. Ok it was actually marshmallows, graham crackers and pretzels, with chocolate frosting for mortar. Mmmmm
Of course, some of our laborers didn't get it all built before it was destroyed!
Newsletter - October
From Pastor Stuenkel’s Desk
I am sure when many people think of October they think of October 31st which is known the world over as Halloween. Many will look forward to dressing up in costumes this year or taking their children around to get candy. This day was originally called All Hallows Eve. This is because it is the Eve of All Saints Day. For Lutherans, All Hallows Eve is remembered for what Martin Luther did and we now celebrate as Reformation Day. This is the day we celebrate Luther and his writing of the Ninety-Five Theses. This document and other writings of Luther would go on to change the world. Luther through his writings challenged many Catholic beliefs. These included their beliefs on Purgatory, indulgences, and one’s ability to earn their own salvation. We celebrate this day both Martin Luther and his rediscovery of the Gospel and this year we celebrate its 500th anniversary. The Gospel truth that man is justified by Christ alone and His saving work. As Ephesians 2:8 puts it, “For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God”
In this year especially, I hope we all can celebrate Luther’s faithful preaching of this Text and others that teach our Salvation is by Christ alone, and not because of our works.
Reformation Celebration Potluck
Please join in celebrating the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation at the Congregational Potluck to be held after the church service on Sunday, October 29th. A sign-up sheet is located on the bulletin board in the narthex. A special “German” theme is being planned for this potluck. What does that mean? When you sign up, you are asked to list what German dish you will be bringing, and how many will be attending. If you do not have a recipe, there will be German recipes posted on the bulletin board that may interest you to try. The committee asks that if you take a recipe, that you would please make that recipe for the potluck. Supplied that day will be hotdogs/brats/buns/drinks/ and table service. Some suggestions for potluck dishes could be: German potato salad, red cabbage, German sauerkraut, German noodles, German coffee cake. Any questions please contact Nancy Conrad, Ruth Block, Nancy Michaelis or Helen Norden, Meal Committee.
St Peter Preschool annual pizza fundraiser!
Money raised helps support the preschool. Pizzas are $8 each; 12" deli style; pepperoni, cheese or sausage
Order forms will be available in Church on the following Sunday's: 10/1 and 10/8
Money is due at time of order. Pizzas will be available to pick up at church on Sunday 10/22.
Thank you! Julie Rees, Teacher/Director
The LWML Defiance Zone Workshop
The Workshop is to be held on Sunday October 15th at 1pm at Zion Lutheran Church, Edgerton. The workshop project will be: Treatment Care Kits – kits with comfort items assembled for patients to use while receiving treatment for cancer or other diseases. The aim of the workshop is to assemble 16 kits. This would be enough for each church in the Zone to have 2 kits available for giving to anyone in need of them.
Workers Needed
St Peter Trustees are taking bids for church cleaning and church maintenance for 2018. Please have your bid in by October voters’ meeting. Contact Marty Helmke, Roger Jones or Ben Weddelman if you have any questions.
Lutheran Women in Mission
LWML Sunday – Celebrate Lutheran Women in Mission. A special worship service is planned for Sunday, October 8th to celebrate all that God has done through the LWML. The author of this service, Dr. Lawrence Rast writes “Building on God’s Promises” and we know this is our time to be distinctly Lutheran. Since 1942, the LWML has affirmed each woman’s identity as a child of God and her relationship with Jesus Christ, encouraging an equipping Christian women to live out their lives in active mission ministries, and to support missions around the world through their sacrificial gifts of mites, tithes, offerings and tireless service. Now is our time to “Be Ready to Confess! Faithfully and boldly of Christ’s redemptive work for us and for all the world.”
The St Peter ladies have prepared a display in the church narthex of their current mission projects and invite everyone to view this evidence of Lutheran Women in Mission. Mite Box Sunday at St Peter is evidence that our congregation is willing to share with gifts of love for the projects that are funded by MITES.
The St Paul ladies and church members are faithfully providing items of everyday needs by collecting items on a monthly basis, including clothing, food, etc. for the seminarians and their families at the Fort Wayne Seminary and delivering the same to them. They also support the Women’s Resource Center by having a baby shower and collecting baby items and diapers.
Be assured that the recipients of our gifts are most thankful and conclude their acknowledgments with their request to PLEASE PRAY FOR US AND OUR FAMILIES.
The LWML Defiance Zone Workshop
The Workshop is to be held on Sunday October 15th at 1pm at Zion Lutheran Church, Edgerton. The workshop project will be: Treatment Care Kits – kits with comfort items assembled for patients to use while receiving treatment for cancer or other diseases. The aim of the workshop is to assemble 16 kits. This would be enough for each church in the Zone to have 2 kits available for giving to anyone in need of them.
Greetings from Preschool!
We have had a wonderful first month of preschool for the 2017-2018 school year! We spent the first couple weeks getting to know each other and learn the rules of the classroom.
Just like last year, Ms. Barb of the Napoleon Public Library is coming to our classroom once a month to read to us, the children absolutely love it. In October, we get the opportunity to go see Ms. Barb at the Florida Public Library instead! We will walk down the road and have an adventure on the way!
Every Friday we are blessed to have Pastor Stuenkel visit the classroom and share God's word with us. The children have enjoyed having him visit us each week.
Each month we also have show-n-tell, Scholastic Book orders available, weekly letters, weekly themes and usually a visitor or two come see us! In October ~ Kyle Richards of the Florida/Flatrock Fire Department will visit us and talk about fire safety! In October, we will also be taking our one and only destination field trip ~ to the wonderful Leaders Family Farm!
The Preschool is currently in full swing of our annual Pisanello's Pizza fundraiser ~ your choice of a 12" deli style pizza in either cheese, pepperoni or sausage. These pizzas are fantastic and can be frozen. Myself, preschool families and the preschool committee will be making these pizzas on Saturday, October 21st in Liberty Center at 10am. Each pizza is $8 and all proceeds go to the preschool ~ your support in this fundraiser is greatly appreciated! Pizzas will be available for pick-up at church on Sunday, October 22nd. Please see order forms in the narthex ~ money is due at time of order and checks can be made out to St. Peter Preschool.
October will be just as busy and just as fun in Preschool! Looking forward to the Fall season, Halloween and learning about Fire Safety. WE LOVE OUR PRESCHOOL!
In God's Blessings,
Mrs. Rees
Adult Bible Study Beginning Sept. 21
Adult Bible Study – Mark your calendars – Starting Thursday September 21st 7pm will be our First Adult Bible Study Class. The classes will alternate weekly between Churches with the first class beginning at St Peter.
Newsletter - Sept 2017
This month was always my least favorite month of the year. For one thing, at the beginning of the month we would close down our pool. It was also the month where school started. As a child I hated school. I imagine a few kids and teachers are already missing summer.
I often think about why I hated school. For one thing I never got paid, so I always just saw it as a hassle. I should instead have seen it as a vocation.
Vocations are roles that God has put us into for the purpose of serving our fellow neighbors. Obviously we can see a parent or teacher as having vocations. They often have to help children. Martin Luther also says being a child or a student are being vocations. In the small catechisms table of duties there are duties or responsibilities for both youth and students.
Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. “Honor your father and your mother”—which is the first commandment with a promise—“that it may go well with you and that you may enjoy long life on the earth.” Eph. 6:1–3
Young men, in the same way be submissive to those who are older. All of you, clothe yourselves with humility toward one another, because, “God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.” Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that He may lift you up in due time. 1 Peter 5:5–6
-Pastor Stuenkel
Sunday School Begins on September 10th!
St Peter Sunday School will begin at 9:00 a.m.
We are asking everyone in the congregation to help out the Sunday School. We are in need of teachers, so please consider teaching a class; either for the whole year, or maybe team teach by the month. If teaching is not for you maybe help as a class aid. Our children’s Christian Education is important – please let us know if you can help.
Catechism Schedule for the 2017-2018 School Year
Wednesdays – 6:30 p.m.
September 13th, 20th, 27th @ St Peter
October 4th, 11th, 18th, 25th @ St Paul
November 1st, 8th, 15th, 29th @ St Peter
December 6th, 13th @ St Paul
January 3rd, 10th, 17th, 24th 31st @ St Paul
February 7th, 14th, 21st, 28th @ St Peter
March 7th, 14th, 21st @ St Peter
Confirmation Sunday is March 25th
Parents – Please attend the first Catechism Class on September 13th for an informational meeting.
(Note – Ash Wed is Feb 14th Class Starting time will change to 6 p.m. for the remainder of the year)
LADIES, did you remember to mark your calendars for SEPTEMBER 16? All women of the St. Paul and St. Peter congregations are invited to come to St. John Lutheran Church at Routes 6 & 66 for a Retreat program commencing at 8:30 AM. Early morning refreshments are provided as well as a luncheon at noon AND a special program entitled "WE ARE GOD'S HANDIWORK" presented by Diana Schnack of Columbus, Ohio. She is an inspirational and humorist presenter and well recommended by LWML ladies who have heard her speak. Her program will be given in three separate sessions. The registration fee is $12 for the entire event which will conclude around 2 PM that day. Registration forms are available at each church and need to be sent to Lavina Boesling, 30260 Jewell Rd, Defiance, 43512 by September 9. Be sure to bring your Bible. A special offering will be taken for Anna the comfort dog at Trinity, Toledo as well as for MITES.
St Peter Special Reformation Service
Pastor and Becky Buchhop are working on a special service for the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation. The Meal Committee of Ruth Block, Nancy Conrad, Nancy Michaelis and Helen Norden are also working on the details of the Special Potluck. The service will be October 29th with a German Potluck Meal to follow. If you have a favorite German recipe please share it with the committee. More information will be coming.
St Peter’s Ice Cream Social
Thank You to everyone who helped to make the Ice Cream Social at St. Peter Lutheran Church a success again this year. This event could not take place without the help of all working together on the planning, working at the social and also attending the social.
Thanks to all the support, we are able to send $2041.37 to Concordia Seminary, Ft. Wayne to help lighten the financial responsibility of the students attending the seminary. God Bless each of You!
St. Peter Lutheran Church
October 25, 2017
1:00 to 7:00 PM
Ice Cream Social is a BIG Hit!
On Sunday, August 6th we were proud to host our annual ice cream social. We were happy to see so many faces from around the community. A big thank you goes out to all the people that made this event happen. Here are a few photos from the day. We hope to see you next year!
Thanks to all the support, we are able to send $2041.37 to Concordia Seminary, Ft. Wayne to help lighten the financial responsibility of the students attending the seminary. God Bless each of You!
Newsletter - August 2017
From Pastor Stuenkel’s desk:
On August 24 we celebrate Saint Bartholomew's Day. This day, of course, celebrates the Apostle Bartholomew. It should be noted that Bartholomew is mentioned as an Apostle in Matthew, Mark and Luke. He is often thought to be Nathanael who is mentioned in the Gospel of John [While Bartholomew is not mentioned.] Now could the writers make such a mistake?
It’s really simple, Bartholomew is not a proper name but a patronym, Bar-Talmay [Which means Son of Talmay/Son of Johnah] We could see Bartholomew more like a last name and Nathanael as more like a last name.
There are biblical reasons why they are seen as the same person. When the Apostles names are listed in Matthew and Luke the Name Bartholomew is associated with Philip. In John 1:45-51 Nathanael is associated with Philip. So it makes perfect sense for them to be the same person. If we look at John 1 it is Nathanael who is brought by Philip to meet Jesus. In the same way we can be like Philip and bring our friends to meet Jesus.
Weinrich, William C. John 1:1-7:1. Concordia Commentary: A Theological Exposition of Sacred Scripture. St. Louis: Concordia Publishing House, 2015. Page, 266.
LADIES of St Peter and St Paul
Please mark your calendar for SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 16. The Defiance and Napoleon Zones of LWML are having a retreat program entitled 'WE ARE GOD'S HANDIWORK". The guest speaker is DIANA SCHNACK of Columbus, Ohio, who is presently an officer of the Ohio District LWML and has been a humorist and inspirational speaker at Ohio District functions. Several ladies from our area have enjoyed her presentations and recommend her. She will present programs on the following topics: "We are God's Handiwork"; "Time for a Pit Stop" and "Stop and Smell the Flowers". The retreat will be at St. John Lutheran Church, Rts. 6 and 66 south of Archbold, commencing at 8:30 AM with a worship service and a noon lunch all for a registration fee of $12. More information will come through your bulletins and newsletter.
Save the Date –
October 29th for a special church service and German potluck meal at St Peter. We plan to celebrate the 500th anniversary of the Reformation. More information to come.
for the Orphan Grain Train in helping children are packs of new children's underwear. Please deposit those gifts in the clothes basket found in the Cry Room at St Peter. OGT does not include used underwear in its shipments thus the LWML is asking you to assist with this new article of clothing for the children.
Hear Ye! Hear Ye!
A Mighty Fortress: In Jesus The Victory Is Won VBS Was A Success
This year we had 31 children attend VBS throughout the week. Pastor led the knights and trumpeters on a journey through bible stories in the Chapel about Kings. On Monday, the kids learned how God’s might tumbled the walls of Jericho. God delivered King Hezekiah’s kingdom in Tuesday’s lesson. The truth and power of God’s Word reformed King Josiah on Wednesday. Thursday the news that King Jesus came to save us when he rode into Jerusalem on a donkey with palms laid down was shared. On Friday, the Easter story was the lesson. Jesus is our Savior King, through him the victory is won for us!
Each night began with an opening in the Bailey where Pastor shared the nightly theme and memory verses. He used a skit that involved carrots growing from a patient’s ear and a cool video. Emilie followed with some fun finger snapping and action songs. (Some of us think her super fast “Peach of a Savior” actions helped kick-start her labor.) After opening, the kids divided into two groups and enjoyed different stations such as creating and eating snacks in the Great Hall with Deb and Bette, making crafts in the dungeon (a bright and cheerful one!) with Bridgett, Nancy C., and Dana. Evie and Carrie were in the Courtyard running games, relays, and obstacle courses. The kids were busy jousting on stick horses, sword fighting, drinking from homemade chalices, making trumpets, and firing catapults for added medieval excitement. At the end of the evening, everyone came together to end in prayer.
A big thank you to Pam and Bette for the awesome castle and drawbridge! Other group leaders and helpers who made the week a big success were Nancy H., MaKenna, Pam, Connie, Bethany, Lana, Hannah, Karlee, Mallory, and Zander.
St. Peter Lutheran Preschool Fall Open House!
Join us Tuesday, August 15th
5:30pm - 7:30pm
K980 County Road 17D Florida (Napoleon), OH
Any questions, please email or call teacher/director Julie Rees ph: 419-966-3263
Newsletter - July 2017
From Pastor's Desk:
Every summer we look forward to the fourth of July where we celebrate our nation’s founding. One of the best things about America is we have the Bill of Rights, especially the First Amendment. The Amendment starts by stating, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof”. (1) We often times forget Freedom of Religion is the first freedom given. It’s stated before Freedom of speech, press, assembly or petition. I think it points how important and central freedom of Religion is to all the other freedoms. In other words, if you don’t have Freedom of Religion, you don’t really have any freedoms.
Often you will hear Modern day people state we have freedom FROM religion. I always thought that the Government and people of the founding were far more worried about Government having influence over organized religion, than the other way around. I have one example of why I think this is true. In the early days of our founding, the Federal government allowed religious services to be held in the buildings in Washington DC.(2) Not only that, but Thomas Jefferson when he was president would often times attend the Services! (3) Even Today Christians should not be afraid to use their faith to mold how they feel about their Government and its proper role.
Pastor Stuenkel
(See footnotes below) Quoted on 6/28/2017
2 Hecht, Bill. Two Wars We Must Not Lose. Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne IN, 2012. 415.
3 Hecht, Bill. 415.
St Peter - Lutheran Witness Subscriptions are due –
If you would like to subscribe to our Synod’s official publication The Lutheran Witness you can do so by using the special offering envelope in your box. If you are not familiar with this publication there are several issues in the Narthex for you to borrow. If interested the annual cost is $15.96.
Congratulations to Brian and Dana Tietje on the birth of their daughter Emma Danielle on May 18th.
Congratulations to Mike and Erin (Rettig) Terry on the birth of their son Henry Dunbar on June 9th.
Congratulations to Andy and Emilie Parsons on the birth of their daughter Anna Emilie on June 25th.
Homemade Ice Cream Social
SUNDAY, AUGUST 6, 2017, 11:30 AM - ?