Pastor's Weekly Messages 3-15-2020

Please enjoy Rev. Jacob Stuenkel's weekly messages and we invite you to join us in prayer.

Readings for March 15, 2020 (3rd Week of Lent) The Old Testament reading - Exodus 17:1-7. The Epistle reading - Romans 5:1–8. The Gospel Reading - John 4:5–30, and verses 39–42.

The Following sermon is for March 15, 2020 which was 3rd Week of Lent. The Gospel Reading is John 4:5–30, and verses 39–42. The sermon also used notes and an outline from Church Year. Vol. 1. Series a, Lent-Easter-Ascension-Pentecost /. St. Louis, Mo.: CPH. 1995.

Music: Bensound