Newsletter - February

From Pastor's Desk 

 How many of you think of February 2020? In some ways it was the last “Normal” month. We have  gone through nearly a year that few of us would call NORMAL. I remember a trip I made to the grocery  story about a year ago. The trip was either at the end of February or at the beginning of March. I had heard  about the Virus in China, but I had yet to hear of any cases in America. So I had no idea that the country was  going to be shut down for a few months. I was afraid something was going to happen. I decided to go to the  grocery store and buy a few things just in case. I mostly bought things in a can or things that wouldn’t go bad  like spaghetti. There was one thing that I did not think to get but would have been really smart, toilet paper.  At the house I was almost out of toilet paper and it was the thing that disappeared the most at convenience  stores. Yet that day I did not know I needed it nor did I think it would disappear when people started hording  things. In contrast, the spaghetti I bought at the start of this COVID pandemic has yet to be eaten.   That made me wonder how many things in our lives do we need and how many things in our lives do  we think need and yet have never used. On a day to day basis we might not think we need Jesus or his word,  but throughout the year we discover how much we use it.  

I can’t tell how many times I have said the words of Philippians 4:6 ESV  

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your  requests be made known to God.”  

I have also seen, heard, and spoken Romans 5:3 ESV many times. “More than that, we rejoice in our  sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance,”  

 I had a friend a few years ago who told me he was dying. He told me that he has always believed that  Jesus had promised us eternal life. He said, but now he needed it to be true. I wonder how many of us have  been comforted and encouraged by the promise of eternal life in a face of a year of death. There are many  things we think we need. There is one thing we actually need, Jesus and His Promises. 

Ash Wednesday and Lenten Service Schedule  Ash Wednesday Services  

February 17th 7 pm at St. Peter  

February 18th 7 pm at St. Paul  

Lenten Midweek Services  

Wednesday Services – 7:00 at St. Peter  

Thursday Services – 7:00 pm at St. Paul  

St. Peter – LWML  

Our LWML will be packing COLLEGE CARE PACKETS at their meeting on February 9that 1:30 pm. Snacks, treats, personal items, pens, pencils, currency and change are suggested. There will be 5 packets sent, (three girls, one boy and our Seminarian Ryan Pumphrey, his wife and their two teenage daughters). If you care to assist with this project, please place your gifts in the box on the table in the Narthex. We will be collecting until February 7th. Thank you very much for considering how you can help.


Lutheran Hour

St Peter is observing Lutheran Hour Sunday on Sunday,  February 7, 2021. Literature and gift envelopes will be inserted in the  church bulletins. For those interested in sponsoring a local Lutheran  Hour radio program the envelopes with the information are located on  the narthex bulletin board. Thank you in advance for supporting this  mission.   The Lutheran Laymens League has been in existence for over 100  years and the LLL began the Lutheran Hour Broadcasts in 1930 with  Dr. Walter A. Maier as its first speaker and has continued that very  special ministry of sharing God’s Word by bringing Christ to the  nations and the nations to the church throughout the world. Many of  our parents and grandparents have faithfully supported this ministry  over the years with their prayers, financial gifts and by listening to the  broadcasts. The present speaker is Dr. Michael Ziegler. Our area is  blessed to have the local Napoleon radio station WNDH 103.1 provide  air time to the weekly Lutheran Hour broadcasts. 


Dear Confirmation Parents:  

I would like to thank all you parents for getting your kids to class over these last few months. I also thank  you for the times you have let me know your child would not be in class.  

I am going to be making some changes when we get to ASH WEDNESDAY. I thought you should all know  about the changes. The first Change is starting Feb 17th and 18th I will be having Class at both Churches at 6  pm. This means we will be having Class at St. Peter on Feb 17th. Then we will be having class at St. Paul on  Feb 18th.

I suspect that most parents will go to whichever is closer or is their home church. Both Classes in the same  week will cover the same material. If you are a member of St. Peter but you know that Thursday is a better  night for you feel free to come to St. Paul’s instead (or vice versa), but just let me know.  

One of the reasons I am doing this is because we will also be moving back into the class room. Since church  is at 7 pm at both Churches people will be arriving and wanting to sit down long before church starts. So we  are going to be moving back into the class room. We will still be practicing social distancing and be wearing  our masks we just won’t be the church sanctuary anymore.  

 We will still be following the same schedule of memory work and topics. We just will offer the same class  on two different days. If you have any questions or concerns please reach out to me.  

In Christ,  

Rev. Jacob Stuenkel  

Phone: 715-663-1845  

Greetings from Preschool!  

We made it to the second half of the school year! Unfortunately, Ms. Marcy is no longer with us and we  wish her well on her future endeavors. We were able to hire a new assistant, Codie Brubaker and she will be  joining our class on February 1. We are currently working on kindergarten assessment review and the  children are doing great! They seem to adapt to the changes well too. We have a lot of new activities, and  some exciting changes coming in the near future. The calendar sale went great, and they turned out so  adorable. There are plenty left if anyone is interested in one! Thank you all for your continued support in the  preschool!  

Gods Blessings,  

Mrs. Morgan 
