Newsletter - June

From Pastor’s Desk,

This Month is June. A year ago in June we started having live in person service again. We went about 14 weeks without live services, and I just recorded them and put them online. June of last year we decided to bring back “in-person” services. For the last 12 months, I can tell you we worked at both Churches to try and to stay as close to CDC guidelines as possible. Now recently in OHIO guidelines are being relaxed. They aren’t just being relaxed for churches but they are being relaxed almost all over. I recently went to a store and nearly no one was wearing a Mask. Whither that is right or wrong things are changing.

In a year of transitions we are all being asked to make another Transition, returning to some semblance of normalcy. As we enter into this Final Transition the thing I would call on everyone to try and do is... FORGIVE.

We talk about forgiveness every Sunday, but we often don’t talk about how hard it is to forgive. It is hard, and sometimes it is something we have to work at. In the coming weeks we might have to forgive someone who approached this period differently than we did. Maybe they took it less seriously than we did, or maybe they took it more seriously than we did. Either way, we are called on by Christ to forgive each other.

There is another person who we might struggle to forgive... ourselves. Many people’s lives changed a year ago. Maybe they got to spend more time with Family, maybe they didn’t have to spend as much time at work. Now things are maybe changing again. That can be struggling, we need to forgive ourselves. If you think that sounds strange consider that sometimes people struggle to transition back to work after a vacation.

For some people they are transitioning back to normal after a year! It’s going to take some time for it to be feel normal again. And it’s ok to ask for forgiveness during this time. The same is true for our churches and our congregations. It might take a while for it all to seem normal again. And during this time we should remind ourselves that we are forgiven Children of God and so are the other members of our Congregation. I need forgiveness, we need forgiveness, and others need forgiveness.

The thing that is going to bring us back together is not anger, it’s not resentment, and it’s not frustration. The only thing that is going to bring us back together is the Blood of Jesus Christ and the recognition that I need to be forgiven as much as my neighbor.

In Christ,

Rev. Jacob Stuenkel.

Concordia Seminary Seminarian Call and Vicar Assignment Day

Ryan Pumphrey, the adopted seminarian of the St. Peter LWML received his Call to serve St. John Lutheran, Villard, Minnesota and Trinity Lutheran in Grove Lake, Minnesota. Anthony Keilani received his Vicar assignment to Faith Lutheran Church, Green Bay, Wisconsin.

May the Lord Bless both of these men as they begin new chapters in the Lord’s Service. Concordia Seminary, Fort Wayne assigned 32 Vicars and placed 33 Pastors this year!

424 Garage Sale and Orphan Grain Train

Orphan Grain Train will be participating in the 424 Garage Sale Event this year on June 10th and 11th.. They will be set up at the Florida Firehouse featuring baked goods. They are looking for volunteers to work the event and to make delicious baked goods that will be for sale. If you can help please call either Cindy Cline at 419-261-3409 or Nancy Helmke a 419-576-2910.


Mallory Renae Watson

Mallory graduated on May 30, 2021 from Napoleon High School with an Honors Diploma. She will be attending Honors College at BGSU in the Fall and her major will be Middle Childhood Education, with her focus areas in math and science. Mallory was a member of National Honors Society, Spanish Club, and Girl Scouts. She has been an active member of St. Peter by being a member of the choir and youth group, helping with VBS, and teaching Sunday School. Mallory played volleyball, ran track, and earned her varsity letter in soccer. Mallory was chosen to participate in the Ohio Envirothon where her team placed 10th. We are so proud of you! Keep sharing your light and walking with God. Remember: “With God all things are possible.” Matthew 19:26 Love Always,

Mom and Mike, Cole, Blake, and Zander

May Preschool News

This month has been full of bittersweet emotions and loads of fun! We had our end of the year party/ field day, awards and graduation. The preschool graduation went so smooth. The children did so great, and I am very proud of all their hard work this year. Unfortunately, I will not be returning next year. My family and I will be relocating out of the area. The new teacher will be Stephanie Arce and the Assistant will be Emilie Parsons. I am sure they will be great teachers. I appreciate everyone’s support and prayers for our Preschool throughout the year. I could not have asked for a better class. I am proud of all my students and I wish them well as they take on their next adventure of Kindergarten! It has been an honor being part of St. Peter Lutheran Preschool this year. I hope everyone has a great summer!

God Bless,


Meet our new Preschool teacher!

Hello, my name is Stephanie Arce (Plummer) and I live in Defiance, Ohio with my husband, Gamali, and 2 daughters, Graciella (11) and Skyla (6 mos.). I have over 15 years of Educational experience and have always had a love for God, animals and children. I graduated from Tinora High School in 2004 then studied at Northwest State Community College where I got my Associates Degree in Early Childhood Education. In 2006 I moved to Fort Wayne, IN to pursue my Bachelor's degree in Early Elementary PreK-3 and maintained my degree in 2013. After several years of working within daycares and preschools, my family moved back to Defiance, Ohio in 2017 where I currently reside with my family. We regularly attend Family Christian Center and enjoy attending community events and playing games together. When I'm not teaching during the school year, I enjoy helping my sister groom dogs at her business in Ayersville. I also enjoy camping, swimming, music and spending time with my family and friends.
