Throughout the Month of November and until December 8th canned goods, dry goods and paper products are being collected for Christmas Cheer. Monetary donations (Checks payable to Henry County Christmas Cheer) may be sent to: Henry County Christmas Cheer c/o LeRoy Helberg Q610 County Road 19 Napoleon, OH 43545. In the Narthex you will find a listing of suggested items (remember NO home-canned products, preferably no microwave only products and Please NO items past their expiration dates). Also are forms that can be handed out to those families that are in need. If you wish to volunteer in assembling the baskets The date is Wednesday December 11th at the Filling Home.
Reduce Your Taxes with an IRA Gift
The IRA charitable rollover permits individuals who are 70 1/2 to rollover up to $100,000 from their IRA to charities like St. Peter Lutheran Church and the Lutheran Hour Ministries (LHM) free from federal income tax. An IRA rollover gift also qualifies for your required minimum distribution, permitting you to lower your income and taxes for this year while helping us to share the Gospel. You can redirect your unneeded IRA income to our Church by having the contribution check made payable to the Church, you can also have the check mailed directly to the church to the attention of the Financial Secretary. To direct your rollover contribution to LHM, contact their gift planning staff to learn more about how you can redirect unneeded IRA income to them at, or 1-877-333-1963. Thanks for your support.
Preschool Pizza Fundraiser!
Orders are being taken now for the Pizza Fundraiser. Pisanello’s Cheese, Pepperoni or Sausage pizzas are available at $8 each (the preschool will make $5 profit on all pizza’s sold). Payment must be made at time of order (checks can be made out to St Peter Preschool). Ordering deadline is November 3rd .
Pizzas can be picked up at the church on Sunday, Nov 10th. Order blanks will be available in the Narthex.