Newsletter - July

From Pastor's Desk

I didn't really know what to talk about for July. So I looked up what Saints' Days and festivals were in July. Mary Magdalene’s day is July 22nd. St. James the elder's day is on July 25th. There are a lot of eoplenamed James in the Bible. One is James the Brother of Jesus. In fact there are two Apostles named James. This is the more famous one. This is James the son of Zebedee. Which means this is also John's brother. James was called with his brother by Jesus. He was with John and Peter when Jesus was transfigured. James was with the Apostles when they saw the Resurrected Christ and when they saw him ascend into heaven. Unfortunately James was not there to witness how the faith was spread throughout the whole Roman world. The reason for this is that James is martyred in Acts 2:12. There we are told that Herod the king killed James the brother of John with a Sword.

Although James did not get to confess his faith throughout the whole Roman world, "The strongest of all confessions is confession made in the face of martyrdom". "So the church rightly accords highest honor to martyrs who have shared in the suffering of Christ."1 We should remember the promise Jesus makes to his followers, "Be faithful until death, and I will give you the crown of life."


Sunday, July 25th - Friday, July 29th

6:00PM - 8:00PM

Let the games begin! Join us for a fun filled Olympic VBS as we learn amazing Christ-focused Bible lessons. Your kids will enjoy fun Olympic games. Our Olympic VBS is perfect for Preschool - 5th Grade! Be prepared for fun-filled lessons, games, music and snacks!

(VBS will be held outside. If weather does not cooperate we will be inside. Masks are encouraged INSIDE for those 2 and up who are not vaccinated.)


Thank you from the OGT

The 424 Garage Sale was a HUGE Success! Thank you to everyone who supported us with their time, and baked goods we were able to sell. We couldn’t have done it without you.

Preschool Carnival Open House

Our Preschool Carnival Open House was a BLAST! Thank you to everyone who stopped in to see the classroom and meet Mrs. Arce. A Huge shout out to Eric's Ice Cream for amazing treats, Kyle Richards for bringing out the Fire Truck and we couldn't have done it all without our wonderful volunteers! ♥♥ Thank you! Thank you! Below are some of the pictures showing some the events.


Come join us at St. Peter Lutheran Preschool for a storytime and a special craft! We will be featuring one of our favorite stories "The Very Hungry Caterpillar". This event is free and recommended for ages 18 months to 1st grade. (Parents ARE required to stay for storytime and craft!) **Masks are encouraged for those who are not vaccinated.**

For more information contact: Teacher/Director, Stephanie Arce

Newsletter - June

From Pastor’s Desk,

This Month is June. A year ago in June we started having live in person service again. We went about 14 weeks without live services, and I just recorded them and put them online. June of last year we decided to bring back “in-person” services. For the last 12 months, I can tell you we worked at both Churches to try and to stay as close to CDC guidelines as possible. Now recently in OHIO guidelines are being relaxed. They aren’t just being relaxed for churches but they are being relaxed almost all over. I recently went to a store and nearly no one was wearing a Mask. Whither that is right or wrong things are changing.

In a year of transitions we are all being asked to make another Transition, returning to some semblance of normalcy. As we enter into this Final Transition the thing I would call on everyone to try and do is... FORGIVE.

We talk about forgiveness every Sunday, but we often don’t talk about how hard it is to forgive. It is hard, and sometimes it is something we have to work at. In the coming weeks we might have to forgive someone who approached this period differently than we did. Maybe they took it less seriously than we did, or maybe they took it more seriously than we did. Either way, we are called on by Christ to forgive each other.

There is another person who we might struggle to forgive... ourselves. Many people’s lives changed a year ago. Maybe they got to spend more time with Family, maybe they didn’t have to spend as much time at work. Now things are maybe changing again. That can be struggling, we need to forgive ourselves. If you think that sounds strange consider that sometimes people struggle to transition back to work after a vacation.

For some people they are transitioning back to normal after a year! It’s going to take some time for it to be feel normal again. And it’s ok to ask for forgiveness during this time. The same is true for our churches and our congregations. It might take a while for it all to seem normal again. And during this time we should remind ourselves that we are forgiven Children of God and so are the other members of our Congregation. I need forgiveness, we need forgiveness, and others need forgiveness.

The thing that is going to bring us back together is not anger, it’s not resentment, and it’s not frustration. The only thing that is going to bring us back together is the Blood of Jesus Christ and the recognition that I need to be forgiven as much as my neighbor.

In Christ,

Rev. Jacob Stuenkel.

Concordia Seminary Seminarian Call and Vicar Assignment Day

Ryan Pumphrey, the adopted seminarian of the St. Peter LWML received his Call to serve St. John Lutheran, Villard, Minnesota and Trinity Lutheran in Grove Lake, Minnesota. Anthony Keilani received his Vicar assignment to Faith Lutheran Church, Green Bay, Wisconsin.

May the Lord Bless both of these men as they begin new chapters in the Lord’s Service. Concordia Seminary, Fort Wayne assigned 32 Vicars and placed 33 Pastors this year!

424 Garage Sale and Orphan Grain Train

Orphan Grain Train will be participating in the 424 Garage Sale Event this year on June 10th and 11th.. They will be set up at the Florida Firehouse featuring baked goods. They are looking for volunteers to work the event and to make delicious baked goods that will be for sale. If you can help please call either Cindy Cline at 419-261-3409 or Nancy Helmke a 419-576-2910.


Mallory Renae Watson

Mallory graduated on May 30, 2021 from Napoleon High School with an Honors Diploma. She will be attending Honors College at BGSU in the Fall and her major will be Middle Childhood Education, with her focus areas in math and science. Mallory was a member of National Honors Society, Spanish Club, and Girl Scouts. She has been an active member of St. Peter by being a member of the choir and youth group, helping with VBS, and teaching Sunday School. Mallory played volleyball, ran track, and earned her varsity letter in soccer. Mallory was chosen to participate in the Ohio Envirothon where her team placed 10th. We are so proud of you! Keep sharing your light and walking with God. Remember: “With God all things are possible.” Matthew 19:26 Love Always,

Mom and Mike, Cole, Blake, and Zander

May Preschool News

This month has been full of bittersweet emotions and loads of fun! We had our end of the year party/ field day, awards and graduation. The preschool graduation went so smooth. The children did so great, and I am very proud of all their hard work this year. Unfortunately, I will not be returning next year. My family and I will be relocating out of the area. The new teacher will be Stephanie Arce and the Assistant will be Emilie Parsons. I am sure they will be great teachers. I appreciate everyone’s support and prayers for our Preschool throughout the year. I could not have asked for a better class. I am proud of all my students and I wish them well as they take on their next adventure of Kindergarten! It has been an honor being part of St. Peter Lutheran Preschool this year. I hope everyone has a great summer!

God Bless,


Meet our new Preschool teacher!

Hello, my name is Stephanie Arce (Plummer) and I live in Defiance, Ohio with my husband, Gamali, and 2 daughters, Graciella (11) and Skyla (6 mos.). I have over 15 years of Educational experience and have always had a love for God, animals and children. I graduated from Tinora High School in 2004 then studied at Northwest State Community College where I got my Associates Degree in Early Childhood Education. In 2006 I moved to Fort Wayne, IN to pursue my Bachelor's degree in Early Elementary PreK-3 and maintained my degree in 2013. After several years of working within daycares and preschools, my family moved back to Defiance, Ohio in 2017 where I currently reside with my family. We regularly attend Family Christian Center and enjoy attending community events and playing games together. When I'm not teaching during the school year, I enjoy helping my sister groom dogs at her business in Ayersville. I also enjoy camping, swimming, music and spending time with my family and friends.


Newsletter - February

From Pastor's Desk 

 How many of you think of February 2020? In some ways it was the last “Normal” month. We have  gone through nearly a year that few of us would call NORMAL. I remember a trip I made to the grocery  story about a year ago. The trip was either at the end of February or at the beginning of March. I had heard  about the Virus in China, but I had yet to hear of any cases in America. So I had no idea that the country was  going to be shut down for a few months. I was afraid something was going to happen. I decided to go to the  grocery store and buy a few things just in case. I mostly bought things in a can or things that wouldn’t go bad  like spaghetti. There was one thing that I did not think to get but would have been really smart, toilet paper.  At the house I was almost out of toilet paper and it was the thing that disappeared the most at convenience  stores. Yet that day I did not know I needed it nor did I think it would disappear when people started hording  things. In contrast, the spaghetti I bought at the start of this COVID pandemic has yet to be eaten.   That made me wonder how many things in our lives do we need and how many things in our lives do  we think need and yet have never used. On a day to day basis we might not think we need Jesus or his word,  but throughout the year we discover how much we use it.  

I can’t tell how many times I have said the words of Philippians 4:6 ESV  

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your  requests be made known to God.”  

I have also seen, heard, and spoken Romans 5:3 ESV many times. “More than that, we rejoice in our  sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance,”  

 I had a friend a few years ago who told me he was dying. He told me that he has always believed that  Jesus had promised us eternal life. He said, but now he needed it to be true. I wonder how many of us have  been comforted and encouraged by the promise of eternal life in a face of a year of death. There are many  things we think we need. There is one thing we actually need, Jesus and His Promises. 

Ash Wednesday and Lenten Service Schedule  Ash Wednesday Services  

February 17th 7 pm at St. Peter  

February 18th 7 pm at St. Paul  

Lenten Midweek Services  

Wednesday Services – 7:00 at St. Peter  

Thursday Services – 7:00 pm at St. Paul  

St. Peter – LWML  

Our LWML will be packing COLLEGE CARE PACKETS at their meeting on February 9that 1:30 pm. Snacks, treats, personal items, pens, pencils, currency and change are suggested. There will be 5 packets sent, (three girls, one boy and our Seminarian Ryan Pumphrey, his wife and their two teenage daughters). If you care to assist with this project, please place your gifts in the box on the table in the Narthex. We will be collecting until February 7th. Thank you very much for considering how you can help.


Lutheran Hour

St Peter is observing Lutheran Hour Sunday on Sunday,  February 7, 2021. Literature and gift envelopes will be inserted in the  church bulletins. For those interested in sponsoring a local Lutheran  Hour radio program the envelopes with the information are located on  the narthex bulletin board. Thank you in advance for supporting this  mission.   The Lutheran Laymens League has been in existence for over 100  years and the LLL began the Lutheran Hour Broadcasts in 1930 with  Dr. Walter A. Maier as its first speaker and has continued that very  special ministry of sharing God’s Word by bringing Christ to the  nations and the nations to the church throughout the world. Many of  our parents and grandparents have faithfully supported this ministry  over the years with their prayers, financial gifts and by listening to the  broadcasts. The present speaker is Dr. Michael Ziegler. Our area is  blessed to have the local Napoleon radio station WNDH 103.1 provide  air time to the weekly Lutheran Hour broadcasts. 


Dear Confirmation Parents:  

I would like to thank all you parents for getting your kids to class over these last few months. I also thank  you for the times you have let me know your child would not be in class.  

I am going to be making some changes when we get to ASH WEDNESDAY. I thought you should all know  about the changes. The first Change is starting Feb 17th and 18th I will be having Class at both Churches at 6  pm. This means we will be having Class at St. Peter on Feb 17th. Then we will be having class at St. Paul on  Feb 18th.

I suspect that most parents will go to whichever is closer or is their home church. Both Classes in the same  week will cover the same material. If you are a member of St. Peter but you know that Thursday is a better  night for you feel free to come to St. Paul’s instead (or vice versa), but just let me know.  

One of the reasons I am doing this is because we will also be moving back into the class room. Since church  is at 7 pm at both Churches people will be arriving and wanting to sit down long before church starts. So we  are going to be moving back into the class room. We will still be practicing social distancing and be wearing  our masks we just won’t be the church sanctuary anymore.  

 We will still be following the same schedule of memory work and topics. We just will offer the same class  on two different days. If you have any questions or concerns please reach out to me.  

In Christ,  

Rev. Jacob Stuenkel  

Phone: 715-663-1845  

Greetings from Preschool!  

We made it to the second half of the school year! Unfortunately, Ms. Marcy is no longer with us and we  wish her well on her future endeavors. We were able to hire a new assistant, Codie Brubaker and she will be  joining our class on February 1. We are currently working on kindergarten assessment review and the  children are doing great! They seem to adapt to the changes well too. We have a lot of new activities, and  some exciting changes coming in the near future. The calendar sale went great, and they turned out so  adorable. There are plenty left if anyone is interested in one! Thank you all for your continued support in the  preschool!  

Gods Blessings,  

Mrs. Morgan 


Letters Of Hope


The leadership at St. Peter Lutheran Church has recently been faced with some difficult decisions. Covid-19 is something we are taking very seriously as a congregation and our number one concern is for the safety of our church family. During this time we have found comfort in attending services from our homes as we watch Pastor Stuenkel's sermons and Bible lessons, Becky Buchhop providing music videos to sing along to, and Emilie and Henry entertaining us with upbeat Sunday School video lessons. Thank goodness for these individuals and for social media we can still feel a bit more connected.

This congregation is more than a group that meets every Sunday in a church building. We are a family and when you are unable to see your church family, this can be hard on a lot of us. “Did Karen have her baby?” “How is Todd doing after his surgery?” Maybe you had many questions running through your mind about fellow members? In the month of April, St Peter and our sister church St Paul church members sent greeting messages just to say hello and send words of encouragement. If you missed the video be sure to click here.

One of our St. Peter members, Bridgett Volkert, found another way to reach out to our fellow church members. She has decided to make a goal of sending a letter to every active member of our congregation. Attending church and teaching Sunday School is her most missed activity.  She says they bring her peace, hope and joy.  Bridget says she has spent more time in prayer and reflecting on her life more than ever.  We are reminded in 1 Peter 4:10 - “Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful servants of God’s grace in its various forms.” Bridgett is accomplishing that through her letters of hope.

How can you be a willing servant at home? When we choose to serve God, we start a chain reaction of events. By serving God, we also serve others. 


Newsletter - June

From Pastor's Desk 


I had a dream the other night that I was back in High School running track. It made me realize how much fun it was for five years of my life during the spring time to run for our track team. 

I then got up and realized how many kids, high schoolers and college students have had similar experiences stolen from them these last few months. 

I am sure many of us have felt that the last few months have taken things from us. For some people it is fun experiences. For others, they have lost wages that they would have earned otherwise. Others have missed important surgeries that have been put off because hospitals have had to move resources around. 

The point is this, the virus and the lock-down have taken things from us. It has not taken everything from us. It cannot take God's love away from us. 

St. Paul writes in Romans 8:35 (NIV) Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or hardship or nakedness or danger or sword?: 37 No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. 

The world already seems to be overcoming this virus. We also know that Christ has overcome the world and death itself on the cross. Nothing can conquer us. And we should remind ourselves of this fact during these difficult times.

Re-oping Guidelines


St. Peter Re-opening Guidelines Our Church Leadership has been reviewing our services and worship practices in order to incorporate Social Distancing Protocols. In reopening again to in-person services our Church Leadership has put together the following guidelines: 

• We encourage social distancing on all church property 

• If you are considered to be part of the high-risk group for COVID-19, please consider not attending initial in-person services. 

• If you have any possible symptoms of a virus (Symptoms may appear 2-14 days after exposure to the virus. People with these symptoms may have COVID-19: Fever or chills, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fatigue, muscle or body aches, headache, new loss of taste or smell, sore throat, congestion or runny nose, nausea or vomiting, diarrhea) please do not attend in-person services until it is safe to do so. Please consider checking your temperature before coming to church. 

• If you are concerned about your personal well-being, the church will be here to serve you individually but at a distance. 

• We strongly recommend you to wear face coverings. 

• The narthex doors will be propped open whenever possible so that you may enter without touching the doors. 

• We encourage people to go straight into the sanctuary. 

• You will be ushered into the sanctuary, to ensure proper social distancing. 

• Bulletins will be laid out on a table next to the doors so you can pick one up as you enter. 

• You will be ushered out in order to maintain the social distancing. Those sitting in the back will be ushered out first. 

• The Offering plate will be placed at the door so that you may place your offering into the plate on your way out of church. 

• First planned communion is July 5th 

• The church restrooms will be open. Feel free to use them as necessary, but please avoid using them if possible. The fellowship hall will not be available for use. 

• If you have questions or concerns regarding how the church may best serve your spiritual needs while maintaining your safety, please contact one of our elders. We want to hear from you! And we will do our best to accommodate your wishes. 

• Services will continue to be recorded and available by: 

  • Facebook

  • Our website

  • If you would like a CD or DVD of the service, please contact the church office.

Above all, please be respectful of and avoid infringing on each person's personal attempt to be safe in the way that they choose. And always keep in mind - especially when interacting with our at-risk members - that you could be a carrier of the virus and not know it. Please act accordingly. 

ATTENTION St. Peter 3-29-2020

Dear Members of St. Peter Lutheran Church

As you are well aware things are still changing pretty quickly, and we do not know how long we will need to suspend church services and activities.  The plan now is to resume all  activities beginning April 7th. Our Leadership Team felt that we needed to reach out to our Church Family Members and provide religious support during this time. 

Click HERE to view Pastor's Weekly messages.

Click HERE to view Sunday School lessons

Click HERE to view Music Videos

ATTENTION St. Peter 3-18-2020

“God is our refuge and our strength, an ever-present help in trouble” Psalm 46:1

Dear Church Family,

Our congregation is SUSPENDING ALL WORSHIP AND ACTIVITIES (effective immediately) UNTIL (at least April 4th). 

In meeting with our Church Leadership it was decided that in the best health interest of our members and guests, we should cancel/suspend all worship services and other church activities through April 4th (as a way to stop the spread of the virus is to limit human contact). 

We are emailing this information and will send it out to members without access to email.  Any necessary updates will be shared electronically, by phone or a follow up mailing.

In order to keep a spiritual and worship connection going among us, Pastor’s sermons will be emailed to you and Pastor’s video recorded message will be accessible on our Website as well as Facebook.  We also encourage use of Portals of Prayer and Lutheran Hour ( daily devotions during our time away from formal worship.

We pray with you, for healing for the affected, comfort for grieving, and wisdom for our medical community in bringing this disease to an end.  In the meantime, we prayerfully and wisely make life adjustments in doing our part to limit the possible spread of this virus.

At this time, the Pastor will continue his normal church office hours of Monday through Friday 9:00 to 4:00.  He will be carrying out his usual Pastoral duties with some necessary adjustments.  The Church Secretary will continue her normal hours of Tuesday’s and Thursday’s 8:30 to 11:30.  Please be in contact with our church family members and especially those with limitations who might be in need of assistance.

Thank you for your prayers and understanding; Our Lord Jesus has overcome sin and death for us, and will certainly carry us through this trail as well. -

ATTENTION St. Peter 3-17-2020

To All Members of St. Peter Lutheran Church, 

Our Church Leadership has decided to cancel all services and church related actives through April 4, 2020.  We plan on resuming all services and actives on April 5, which is Palm Sunday.  During this time in order to keep you connected to Church, we will send out church announcements, and a hard copy of Pastor’s Sermons.  There will be more information to follow. 

Please spread the word and remember your friends and neighbors during this time.