From Pastor's Desk
I didn't really know what to talk about for July. So I looked up what Saints' Days and festivals were in July. Mary Magdalene’s day is July 22nd. St. James the elder's day is on July 25th. There are a lot of eoplenamed James in the Bible. One is James the Brother of Jesus. In fact there are two Apostles named James. This is the more famous one. This is James the son of Zebedee. Which means this is also John's brother. James was called with his brother by Jesus. He was with John and Peter when Jesus was transfigured. James was with the Apostles when they saw the Resurrected Christ and when they saw him ascend into heaven. Unfortunately James was not there to witness how the faith was spread throughout the whole Roman world. The reason for this is that James is martyred in Acts 2:12. There we are told that Herod the king killed James the brother of John with a Sword.
Although James did not get to confess his faith throughout the whole Roman world, "The strongest of all confessions is confession made in the face of martyrdom". "So the church rightly accords highest honor to martyrs who have shared in the suffering of Christ."1 We should remember the promise Jesus makes to his followers, "Be faithful until death, and I will give you the crown of life."
Sunday, July 25th - Friday, July 29th
6:00PM - 8:00PM
Let the games begin! Join us for a fun filled Olympic VBS as we learn amazing Christ-focused Bible lessons. Your kids will enjoy fun Olympic games. Our Olympic VBS is perfect for Preschool - 5th Grade! Be prepared for fun-filled lessons, games, music and snacks!
(VBS will be held outside. If weather does not cooperate we will be inside. Masks are encouraged INSIDE for those 2 and up who are not vaccinated.)
Thank you from the OGT
The 424 Garage Sale was a HUGE Success! Thank you to everyone who supported us with their time, and baked goods we were able to sell. We couldn’t have done it without you.
Preschool Carnival Open House
Our Preschool Carnival Open House was a BLAST! Thank you to everyone who stopped in to see the classroom and meet Mrs. Arce. A Huge shout out to Eric's Ice Cream for amazing treats, Kyle Richards for bringing out the Fire Truck and we couldn't have done it all without our wonderful volunteers! ♥♥ Thank you! Thank you! Below are some of the pictures showing some the events.